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Dear reader,
At the very outset, this particular post may seem like it’s got literally nothing whatsoever to do with fitness – but it DOES – in a BIG, BIG way.
Everything is “mental”, when it all boils right down to it and getting in shape (and more importantly, STAYING in shape AFTER getting to the “peak of that first mountain”) is no different. It all begins with the mind, my friend, and this is something I’ve explained repeatedly in all my books and courses thus far.
And I’ll continue to do so – its that important.
Way too many people look in the mirror and see a “flabby, fat, unfit” person and then immediately go online (or turn to the nearest fitness mag), or come to this site, or whatever and then look at the bods on display there.
And of course, the first thought that pops into mind is “I can’t do it. I’ll never be like him (or her, as the case might be).
And it’s back to the relative safety of the ole couch, beer and chips (or snacks – what have you) in hand. Back to square zero, or square negative should we say.
Amazingly enough this problem isn’t limited to those that are actually fat and flabby – there are lot of folks that could admittedly be in better shape – but, are NOT in “extremely poor” shape at this point in time. And yet, they experience similar “put me down” feelings when they stand in front of the mirror.
This sort of thing applies to all aspects of life, by the way, but I’ll try and stick to fitness here.
Look, people, YOU, and ONLY YOU are – and can be – your biggest “fan”! It matters not a damn if there’s NO-ONE but YOU cheering for YOU in the bleachers … conversely, put a billion folks in there batting for you, but it will all come to nought if YOU aren’t present there yourself.
Now, am I saying that facts should be ignored?
Hell no, but what I AM saying is ALL the facts should be taken into consideration.
So let’s take a look at the aforementioned person who looks at himself or herself in the mirror and goes “oh, BLA!”
Fact #1 – I’m fat and out of shape, and could probably be called “ole Tubby”
Fact #2 – ((and I’ll continue the example above). I’ve got two arms and two legs and a brain that functions. That’s more than what a lot of folks are born with, by the way.
Fact #3 – (I can eat 3 square meals a day (admittedly I eat too much, but …) and that IS MORE than what a lot of folks get. A lot of folks would be thanking their lucky stars to get more than TWO square meals a day and I ain’t kidding ya on this one.
And so forth.
You see what I’m saying?
You start by being GRATEFUL for what you DO have – and what you HAVE accomplished – and you THEN take a look at your self again in the mirror – and YOU THEN SET YOUR FITNESS GOALS …
It’s that simple, folks!
I started to make the list a few minutes ago myself (YES, this can be done regardless of where you are currently in terms of life, relationships, fitness etc), and within the space of a few minutes I was at about 34 items. And I’ve got NO doubt that list will extend to more than a few pages shortly.
In fact, I was so stoked a few items in that I figured I’d write to you while making the list but then I figured I’d wait a while longer. But around item #32 or thereabouts, my fingers started to itch, and well, so here I am now!
I’m out for the nonce – but that, my friends is a powerful, powerful tip indeed.
See if you can make it work for you!
Rahul Mookerjee
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