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And it feels so damned good, my friend. It feels so DAMNED GOOD!
Today was a bit of a “rest” day in terms of my own writing. Being that I finished another book last night at around 1:30 A.M. or so, and being that it was a bit of a marathon writing session even by my (I daresay LOFTY) standards, I was sort of “exhausted” today.
In a good way of course, and while I was “ruminating” for ideas on my latest, and visualizing etc, a thought suddenly struck me in terms of “deleting junk from my life”.
Now, I do this on a regular basis to be fair, but I haven’t been doing it for the past couple of weeks, so focused have I been on my writing.
And today, I took the time to DELETE – that’s right, DELETE (Ctrl-Alt-Delete at that in many cases, meaning a CLEAN and FRESH reboot) in terms of CRAP from my life.
This includes the following, in no particular order –
Time wasters.
Those that agree to something and later renege, or try and “complain” about what has already been agreed upon.
Idiots – and what I mean by that is those that purposefully choose to remain ignorant by the way, and believe me, there are tons of folks out there like that.
Social media – I shortened my already very short list of “contacts” on social media. I still use it, but very sparingly, and being most of the nonsense I see on social media is a massive waste of time, not to mention overwhelmingly negative in most cases, well …
And so forth. I think you get the drift. Cut the crap out of your life FOR GOOD – and watch your life change for the BETTER almost instantly.
And my workout? It felt so darn good as well! I did a bit of a warmup today which I normally never do, but this was just an “on the spur of the moment” thing. No real reason for it.
And though I pounded out 155 squats and 244 pushups, my workout was really more about two things –
- DEEP BREATHING (yes, yes, I know – I carp on it damn near daily and multiple times at that, but its that damn important).
- OUT WITH OLD, in with the new.
And thats what it was, my friend.
Out with the old with EVERY EXHALE ; in with the new – with a bang if I might say so – with EVERY INHALE!
Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale.
And that’s it for this post. Back again tomorrow (or later, hehe)!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – My warm-ups were 10 pushups and 10 squats, done just for the heck of it and they did NOT count towards the rep total I mentioned above.
P.S. #2 – In with the NEW, and ZERO EXCUSES WAY right HERE- The Book
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