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Dear Reader,
Just got done with reading my own book “Zero to Hero” and while I’m an avid and very voracious reader by nature, reading THIS particular book (written by yours truly) never ONCE FAILS to get me PUMPED up and READY TO GO!
Want inspiration? It’ll give it to you by the bucket load.
Tired of “trying to do things the hard way” (and truth be told, it does seem hard a lot of times) – and getting nowhere? Well, THIS book will show you how to achieve what you want with SEEMINGLY less effort – and believe me, while that is a self-help piece, ALL of what has been mentioned in there is applicable to FITNESS as well, my friend.
I’ll have the book up on this site on November 25th or thereabouts, but for now, if you’re interested, give me a shout via e-mail and I’ll direct you to the right place to make a purchase.
Back to fitness – and the 100 pull-ups – why do I mention this?
Well, first off because of the bit I wrote this morning about DOING as opposed to dreaming.
Second, because it was a goal I set for myself in 2016 after achieving the “previous” goal, which, and as I mention in the “Pull-ups – from DUD to STUD” book was more an “overall body” goal as opposed to simply pull-ups.
And guess what – YES – it took work. YES – it took determination. YES – it took HOURS of SLOG – but NONE OF THIS was as hard, or felt as hard as it sounds!
I used thick bars in the neighborhood park along with monkey bars to work these, and amazing as that might sound, this, combined with the ONE secret I mention in the pull-ups book got me to where I currently am in terms of pull-ups.
I still remember my skin literally “burning” as the hot metal literally “WORKED” into my palms (remember, this was in broad daylight during the hottest parts of the day as I was working nights at that stage).
Yes, it took FORTITUDE – but even this wasn’t the real key. The real key is what I mention in the “pre-requisites” part of the book, and it’s mentioned as the FIRST commandment (amongst the 10 commandments of successful physical training) as well.
And believe you me, it WORKS.
Here are the two books I’ve spoken about –
And thats it for now, my friend. Back again later!
P.S. – “Zero to Hero” will be available on THIS website very soon – November 25 to be precise – set your calendars NOW! In the interim, contact me via email if you choose to buy the book and I’ll be happy and offer you a “pre-launch” discount as well.
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