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Dear Reader,
What I’m going to tell you here might come as a bit of a surprise, or even a “shock” of sorts, so buckle up – and STRAP in – because what I’m about to tell you applies as much to life as it does fitness in general.
Have you ever noticed there are way too many folks in this world that “want something”, but somehow never progress beyond the “want” stage?
We all “want” a six pack. We all “want” a fit and toned body. We all “want” to be doing what we love for a living, et al. The list goes on and on and on, and yet – here is the million dollar question – how many of us are actually DOING IT?
Now, a lot of folks might be nodding their heads in agreement at this point and saying “You’re right. Dreaming achieves nothing. It’s actions and willpower to carry out those actions that really count”.
And while you might be right to an extent, I would disagree.
It all starts with a dream, my friend. It ALL starts with a dream.
Those of you that have been following me for years know the story of how I was introduced to the hill (in China, which is where I was at the time) and how I literally felt like a TRUCK ran over me the first day I did it. That was way back in 2003, and the story was so inspirational that not only did it make it to my blog several times (and it’s been a regular part of ALL of my writings) – but it’s also made it to the blogs of other VERY WELL KNOWN folks in the fitness biz.
Anyway, that was way back in 2003. Fast forward to now, and while I did NOT climb that hill for long periods in the interim due to various reasons, I can easily “mosey up” that sucker four to five times without breaking a sweat – and watching the others around me “huff and puff” their way up the hill – something I did when I first started, of course, hehe.
Now, why am I telling you all this? How does it fit in?
Because it all starts with a dream, my friend. A dream fueled by PASSION – AMBITION – and THAT DREAM was then backed up by SOLID ACTION!
And the results are there for all to see.
You don’t have to be quite as extreme as climbing a steep hill multiple times – get this – between the hours of 12 noon to 3 P.M. (and when I did that, it was summer here in Southern China – believe me, the humidity levels here can be off the chart!), but you DO need to be a DOER.
And prioritize, my friend. Prioritize. A lot of folks complain (for example) about not being able to lose weight successfully, but the first place you find ’em in the bar is guzzling beer after beer and saying “I’ll get to it tomorrow” – and guess what – “tomorrow never comes”.
Again, make time for what is important – really important. Most folks dont do this because this requires a hell of a lot of sacrifice – and courage – and this, ultimately is what separates the “practical dreamers” (a practice I highly advocate) from the “day dreamers” (which is an utter waste of time).
I once had a subscriber email me to tell me he didnt have the money to buy a product (that he wanted at the time) and that he would “do it a few months later”.
Well, guess what. When most folks say that, a “few months later” usually means NEVER. They click on away, and lose interest, and lose sight of whatever goal it was that briefly popped into their mind, but this guy didnt.
Sure enough, he emailed me a few months later and bought the product.
I didnt lose track of my goals when I woke up every morning at 5:30 A.M. to pound out pushups and squats “by the bazillions” and then put in a full day of work thereafter.
In other words – I DID. I didnt make sorry excuses of the highest order about “being too busy” or “not having the time”, or “having too many responsibilities” or any such rot (and believe me, I hear this nonsense on a daily basis).
And the results are there for all to see.
I recently set a goal to write 20,000 words a day (non fitness related) and guess what – I DID it, and my “beleaguered” (not really, hehe) publishers can attest to this as well.
I didnt moan and whine about “having to work”. I didnt complain about “not having time”.
Again – DREAM – and dream big – but then DO. I cannot emphasize this enough!
And for those of you that “dont know”?
Want to lose those extra inches around your waistline, but don’t know how? Or, perhaps you “know how”, but “it doesnt work as well as you thought” (for all you gym goers out there)?
Want to get a strong, cast iron, BLACKSMITH style grip?
Want to get better at pull-ups and bang ’em out by the rep?
Well, we’ve got you covered in ALL areas there, my friend – but you’ve got to be a DOER.
There is no such thing as SOMETHING for NOTHING. Remember this. Nothing is free in life, and funnily enough freebies come with an attached cost, which most folks never realize.
Dare to dream – and then DO.
Don’t “stay on the fence”. Start TODAY!
P.S. – In terms of fitness, here is where you can start right NOW – http://0excusesfitness.com/products/. Again, the results in life come to DOERS – not merely DREAMERS. Get on the stick, stop “pondering” and start NOW!
P.S. #2 – Our social media URL’s are on the website and for those of you in mainland China, the links are in the footer section of the website. Feel free to share if you like!
P.S #3 – If you workout today, make it a super one!
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