The ultimate butt kicker

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Dear reader,

Well, well well. I just got done with a BUTT kicker of a workout – a “sore butt” workout if you would, hehe – and no, for the “overimaginative” out there, it’s NOT what you would normally associated with a “sore butt”.

“But”, it certainly was a – well – butt kicking workout from HELL – except in a great way!

And guess what – this butt kicker of a workout didnt take two hours to complete.

It did NOT involve –

  • A variety  of different pushups.
  • “Jumping” a.k.a “advanced” Hindu squats
  • Extensive stretching either before or after the workout (although I might go stretch out now after finishing this post)

And none of the other things that I normally associated with a workout (and that you should as well, to be honest) such as “table” pushups, “arms extended” pushups, and the like.

And yet (but), I’m gasping for air as I write this, and all in 20 minutes FLAT, my friend.

And what did I do to get this “butt kicker” of a workout?

Well – I did TWO exercises – and guess what – I’ll tell you BOTH.

The first was (as many of y’all) might have guessed – the SQUAT – but, NOT done in a way that most people approach these. Believe me, there is SO MUCH more to bodyweight (or Hindu) squats that I could literally write about 10 books or more on this ONE exercise, and still not be done.

That’s another reason the 0 Excuses Fitness System includes the videos, by the way. Proper form is paramount, but the videos allow me to tell you a lot of things that “may not have come to mind” as the course was written, and truth be told there is SO much more out there that even my private students keep learning new things on a daily basis.

I’ll get into my current private coaching routine at a later date, but for now, whats the second exercise, you ask?

Well – simple – the BEST DARN exercise there is – and though it may seem simple in theory – there are literally so many different ways you can do this one exercise that I’ve written an entire book on it – and feel I might have to start all over on “version #2”, hehe.

Anyway, that’s all I did today – and believe you me, these two exercises KICKED my BUTT – in twenty minutes flat.

My oh my, what a workout it was.

And the 0 Excuses Fitness System gives you many more such workouts that will kick YOUR butt as well, my friend – and kick it into high gear and INTO SHAPE at that – PRONTO.

Don’t waste a second  longer. Rush on over now, and grab YOUR copy of the BEST fitness system there is on terra firma.


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – No if’s and “buts”, my friend. The results in life come to the DOERS – the ZERO EXCUSES DOERS as it were. Sitting around and “ruminating” over “what might be” ain’t gonna achieve nothing, my friend. Scoot on over NOW, and do what hundreds of 0 Excuses Followers ALL around the globe are doing.

P.S. #2 – Wondering what the “best darn” exercise there is is? Well, look no further –

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