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Dear reader,
What I’m about to share with you is so astoundingly mindbogglingly that just this one tip has the potential to BLOW you away.
That’s right – and if the subject line of the email hasn’t already “blown” you away and have you shaking your head in amazement (a.k.a he doesn’t really mean it!) – well, guess what, my friend.
Yes, I do mean it.
100% and more, my friend.
And guess what else.
This ONE tip alone has the potential to SKYROCKET you towards achievement in any endeavor you choose – fitness is no exception either.
But why just fitness?
If you want abundance in any form in your life – well – you need to know HOW to get it – and what I just told you above combined with Step #1 outlined in Zero to Hero forms STEP #1.
Actually, I could write a book on EACH of the tips outlined in the book – so powerful are they all, and as I sit here after doing 500 squats in 16:12 minutes, I’m thinking I might just, hehe.
For now though – what do I mean by ignoring reality?
It’s certainly not “literally” ignoring reality like some well intentioned folks did before the airplane was invented as they literally tried to “fly with arms outstretched off the tops of buildings” (yup it’s true) – and we all know the results there, don’t we?
Those misdirected efforts did of course result in the airplane being invented – though not directly.
Anyway, let me give you a quick example.
Let’s stick to fitness, although again – this one tip can propel you towards your goals in ANY endeavor like lightning towards a “lightning rod” quicker than the speed of knots, my friend.
Currently unable to do 100 squats, or even 10 at one go (and believe me, the latter is the case for many people) – but WANT TO?
Currently suffering from a case of “bulging waistlines” and expanding “junk in the trunk” – and want to try to get rid of it – but don’t know how?
Well, here is how you START, my friend – and the way to start is by picturing whatever it is you like – and keep that thought in mind as you train in the exercises mentioned in 0 Excuses Fitness.
And no, “what you like” doesnt necessarily mean “what you like fitness wise”. It can be something completely and utterly unrelated – and while I realize that might sound equally astounding as the rest of this email – I have this to say to you.
Just do it, my friend.
Just do it – and report back after a month, or even a week.
The above is quite literally one of the most powerful tips I can give you, my friend. And I’ve literally given it to you for FREE.
For more such equally powerful tips, head on to Zero to Hero right NOW, my friend. You owe it to yourself.
Feel – do – ACHIEVE!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – While you’re at it, don’t forget to pick up your copy of 0 Excuses Fitness as well right HERE: – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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