Follow the way of the kid, my friend

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Dear reader,

A few years ago, something TRULY spectacular happened in my life.

Spectacular. Mind boggling. Emotions were ALL over the place – and – to be quite honest – I was literally at a LOSS FOR WORDS when it happened, and all this in a good way.

In fact, the first thing I said to  myself when I  looked at the tiny little cuddly bundle of joy in the nurse’s arms was “I can’t believe it”. (and looking at that little lovely baby girl with her big black eyes, I quite literally couldn’t …)

Quite literally – and so (and as you can tell by now) this spectacular “occurrence” in my life was none other than the birth of my baby girl who is now a sprightly bundle of ENERGY at 4 years of age, and going strong, my friend.

Here is a conversation I recently had with her: –

“Honey, can we do some squats? Can you show Papa how to do ’em?”

“YES, PAPA!!!!” – came the resounding response, and amazingly enough, this was over WeChat, my friend – which is one of those nifty smartphone apps that allows one to make “video calls” to fellow users (at the time I was traveling in China – yes, yet again, haha).

And she dropped down, gave me “10” – all with a HUGE smile on her face with a proud Papa clapping her on – and all without ANY complaints and then promptly fell over into a gymnastic bridge with NO help whatsoever.

Contrast this with the average adult’s response when asked to do some of these exercises.

“Ho hum! Those squats! They’re bad for the knees, you know! I read somewhere on the Internet that they hurt the knees, and, well, uh …”

“Push-ups! Pah! How can they actually help?” Belch! (this was an actual comment made by a person I know, mind you – a person that was about 50 kgs overweight and “working his way” through a blubber inducing 12 pack of “cold brew”, hehe.

And so forth. The average adult would spend more time exhausting himself or herself mentally before deciding that the “lazybones” method works the best and doing exactly squat all, NO puns intended there.

And my 4 year old? Well, she just DOES it – without being told at that – and guess what, all normal kids are that way, and this, my friend, along with the deep breathing I keep carping on all the time is the KEY to their fitness levels.

A 4 year old might not have the arms of a gym gorilla, but she sure as heck can run circles around him all day long. In fact, it would NOT be a stretch to say that the average couch potato can get in a tremendous workout simply by trying to keep up with their young kids, and again – that ain’t no exaggeration my friend.

NATURAL movements – and DEEP breathing done correctly the way I advocate in 0 Excuses Fitness, my friend – these are the TWO keys to fitness for YOU as well!

0 Excuses Fitness can be found right HERE –

The 0 Excuses Fitness System

Proof, you ask?

Ever see an infant huff and puff after a bout of wailing, or a 1 year old out of breath after “running” you ragged around the living room? I bet not – and the reason behind this is deep breathing – done naturally without a second thought, and done CORRECTLY.

Second, and more importantly, infants (and toddlers) make sure to get in the right amount of movement during the day. Ever seen a healthy infant lie “still” without flailing about? I bet not – this movement is what gets their muscles up to speed for the tasks required in daily life such as walking etc.

Easy enough to figure out, huh? Well, take the average pot bellied Joe (or Jane) and have them kick like a baby from the “core” for just five minutes straight, and I bet they’ll be exhausted and unable to complete even two straight minutes without a pause.

As for nutrition, well – ever seen an infant stuff itself so full of milk that it can’t breathe?

I bet not – but I bet you’ve seen someone stuff themselves full of a calorie laden pizza or shove down several helpings of “fried chicken and black eyed peas” down their already bloated gullets at the nearest “all you can eat buffet”  – and barely be able to breathe (let alone walk) after that.

‘Tis not the case with infants and toddlers – they instinctively know how much they need to eat and move, and thats something we as adults would do good to emulate in our daily lives as well.

I could go on and on here, but I think you get the drift.

Do as kids do, my friend – and believe you me – you’ll reap the benefits.

Click on over right NOW and get started –


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – And yes, kids can teach us a lot about LIFE as well – but I’ll get into that in future dispatches. For now, romp on over to the following URL and get started RIGHTAWAY –


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