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Dear reader,
Hilarious ain’t it? Well, that’s just one of the “endearing” (well, at times) “Chinglish” (read Chinese English) I encounter here on a regular basis, hehe.
But wait a minute. What the heck am I talking about here?
OK, let me back up a little.
Being I’m currently in mainland China where they tend to mis-pronounce the names of “foreign devils” (in general), or anything related to English, for that matter, my name Rahul is apparently pronounced as “Lahoo”.
And “Zero Excuses (http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/)” apparently gets the “You system” moniker.
Laugh all you like, my friend, but tis true, but Chinglish is NOT the reason I am writing this post to you.
As I finished up my workout, a friendly enough Chinese man came up to me, and started talking to me about fitness. One thing led to another, and soon enough this man was interested in my 0 Excuses Fitness System.
But he had questions, and two of them were great questions I receive on a regular basis, so I thought I’d share them with you here.
(Note – he hadn’t been to my website – or he’d have known the answers already, but FWIW, I told him anyway).
His first question was along the lines of why is my system better than weight training or “drawn out cardio sessions” at the local gym (the latter apparently been the advice given to him to lose the “bulge” – yes – they do have bulges here as well despite the common perception of “thin folks in Asia” – that was all in the past, my friend).
And I told him the reasons mentioned throughout my books and site – namely, weight training is great until a certain limit, but after that – injuries start to creep in.
Bodies start to break down. Shoulders and knees complain. In fact I have a friend – a big, strong, solid guy who lifts weight regularly, but he can barely START to bend over in a back bridge without screaming out loud in pain.
Ditto for squats and deadlifts – he has to do them ULTRA carefully – or else watch out – blown out knees and lower back.
As for shoulder problems – well – it’s common to hear of folks addicted to the bench press that can barely lift their arms up without screaming in pain. Read rotator cuff injuries.
It’s not a matter of “if”. It’s a matter of “when”.
His REAL question though was about why my system was better than other bodyweight courses out there and the answer??
Well, because a) it promotes VARIETY.
You’ll never, ever see me telling you to do the same exercises over and over again or the same type of workouts – which is in contrast to many of the other fitness programs I’ve seen out there that tell you to make a routine and “stick to it” no matter what (in terms of the exact exercises).
No quicker way to burn out in my opinion – both performance and boredom wise.
Second, because I promote QUICK workouts that do NOT take all day – and believe it or not, you CAN get a better workout in 8 minutes than 1:30 spent at the local gym, fitness center, or spa – what have you.
And in today’s busy world – a minute saved is about an hour earned, wouldn’t you say? I sure would,given the plethora of tasks piled up for me on a daily basis …
Flexibility. Privacy of your own living room (or home). Or verandah (balcony). Heck, the list goes on and on, but I’ll save the most important for last.
And that – is – DEEP BREATHING, my friend!!!
I’ve seen NO other course out there that promotes the virtues of deep breathing as much as I do, and the CORRECT way to breathe – and this is a trick most people miss despite being TOLD.
Not Pilates. Not “crossfit”. Not weight training regimens. Not even advice given to marathon runners. Believe me, while all the above DO have their advantages, the DEEP BREATHING is what really gets things going, my friend – both in terms of fat burning – as well as ANY other accomplishment.
And believe me, the old timers had it right when they said “your breath is your power”.
It quite literally IS.
Not only that, deep breathing is what connects “you” to the Universal Energy that we are ALL a part of, either knowingly or unknowingly.
Key is to HARNESS this energy – and the deep breathing is the FIRST, and MOST IMPORTANT step.
Well, that’s what I told the gentleman today (there’s more, but I’ll save it for future dispatches) – and I’ve no doubt I’ll be receiving a “site visit” from him later on tonight, hehe.
Anyway – that’s it for now, my friend. I’m off to do some deep breathing myself, hehe.
You’ve be well advised to breathe in deeply as you avail yourself of the 25% OFF sale, if you haven’t already.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – What?? You didnt know about the sale I’m having as yet?? What the hezey my friend … this is HUGE. 25% off – – on the BEST fitness system on the PLANET – doesn’t get any better, does it?
Here is your discount coupon – – 25PERCENT. Hurry, my friend. Hurry. Only a few more hours left – – and the link is right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/
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