The “double whammy birthday sale”

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Dear reader,

Oh my my my!

As I sit here, I’m suffering from a “double whammy”, my friend – and what do I mean by that?

Well, the first is the injured thumb that occured a couple of days ago. It’s well and truly on the road to ACTIVE recovery, but it’s still not a 100% … UGGGH! But then again, I’m recovering quicker than most folks would on this, so it’ll back to doing “regular” workouts soon.

And the second?

Well, I’m feeling like a Mack truck ran over me, my friend.

Sort of like I felt when I first climbed THAT hill in China, the same hill that I can mosey on up now without breaking a sweat.

And why do I feel this way?

The workout I did yesterday, my friend, and if you missed it, it’s right there on the blog. Oh my. I’ll be doing a variant of that today as well but perhaps at far lower intensity. We’ll see, but for now …

Yes, this cat is turning 37 “today”, and to celebrate all this, I’m doing something which I usually never ever do, which is to have yet another sale only a couple of weeks after the last one (which was a huge, huge hit by the way).

And I’ll go one BETTER this time.

If I recall, I offered the 0 Excuses Fitness System at a discount the last time around during the “post Christmas” sale, and a lot of you stepped and JUMPED to the plate, and good on you for doing that, my friend.

And now, I’m going one better.

I’m offering you a FLAT 25% discount on ALL my  products for TWO days.

That’s right, this sale will last until Jan 6, so pull up your socks and get on this NOW, my friend. You never know – I might just have to pull the sale ahead of time depending on reader feedback. Don’t particularly want the server crashing as it did the last time around, hehe.

Enter in the coupon code “DOUBLEWHAMMY” when you get to the checkout page, and you should be able to avail of the discount.

Here’s the product page –

Have at!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – My little girl is going bonkers over this as well , and she’s just 4. She’s running up and down the room hollering “Shoulders like Boulders” while I type this. The energy is CONTAGIOUS, my friend. Oh yes it is. Get in while the going is good and while this lasts –

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