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Dear reader,
Give me 20 seconds of your time right NOW – in person – and I’ll give you a set of abs – a set of “carved” abs as it were.
That’s right.
You heard me, my friend. In fact to be honest 5 seconds is probably all you’ll need before you start to really “feel the burn” hehe, and in areas and muscles of your body that you never thought existed.
Move over all the excuses that people these days love to throw out about being “busy”. Heck, exercise done the right way doesn’t need to take more than 15 minutes tops – and YES – 20 seconds on some of the movements I do are MORE than plenty for most people.
In fact the average person would be torched after a few 5 second repetitions of some of this stuff – and that is NOT an exaggeration.
Anyway, this was one of the things I did today after my regular 0 Excuses workout as a finisher, and oh boy – what a finisher it was!
Advanced indeed, and even I was huffing and puffing after about 15 seconds, and damn near collapsed on all fours after 20.
My oh my, what a finisher indeed, but I made it through 5 sets of this exercise – 20 seconds or thereabouts each.
This, along with other advanced exercises will be mentioned in great detail in my new “King Kong Fitness” book – and NO – what I’m talking about right now does NOT involve any form of running, or (amazingly enough) anything done “fast”.
In fact the portion of this exercise that really torched my entire body – specifically the abs – was – get this – GOING SLOW!
That’s right. Going faster is actually easier on some of the advanced variations – and while that might sound like a hard pill to “believe”, it’s true my friend. It’s certainly true.
Anyway, you’ll have to hold on to “yer hats” for now on that one as King Kong Fitness is still in the works, but for now, the key thing to remember is that exercise done right does NOT need to involve long lengthy routines.
That’s part of the reason I hate gyms and the “treadmill to nowhere”. Not only are a lot of the exercises done in commerical gyms BAD for you in the long run – they also waste a heck of a lot of time.
And time as they say is money, hehe – so why would you want to waste it?
I detail plenty of routines in 0 Excuses Fitness that would get the average whippersnapper huffing and puffing within 5 minutes flat, and thats on the BASIC stuff.
My goodness, every one has 5 minutes to spare, don’t they?? Wouldn’t you want to get your cardio in in 5 minutes or less rather than waste an hour or so at the gym – not to mention the traffic etc?
I’m sure you would, my friend. I’m DARN sure what I’d do, at any rate, hehe.
So crack open your copy of 0 Excuses Fitness today, and get cracking on some of the routines – it’s the BEST investment you’ll ever make in terms of health and fitness, my friend.
All for now – back later!
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