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Dear reader,
Was enjoying a few cold ones with my buddy a week or so ago, and something he’s been telling me for a while now – something absolutely hilarious by the way – came to mind, and I’m going to share it with you now.
Being I’m huge on visualization and everything related to it, that’s naturally one of the topics we discuss in detail when we hang out – curiously enough it’s a topic HE is interested in as well.
Hmmmm …. like attracts like ….. energy flowing in one direction picks up SIMILAR energy to keep it flowing in that same direction – pretty much what I said in my last post on this.
Anyway, there have been some things “going on” in his life, and without getting into further detail, I asked him to visualiaze – – and do some other things, amongst which included recording his dreams and trying to analyze them.
Now, before you start to classify me as “fit for looney tune bin” (as if the “foreign devil doing bear crawls uphill” wasn’t crazy enough already), hang on. Think a minute.
Dreams are another way the Universe communicates with us, my friend. Believe me now and trust me later, but dreams are probably the most important thing to focus upon after you first start visualizing.
Again, believe it or not – but I’ve had dreams where names and faces of people flashed into my mind while sleeping – people I’ve NEVER known or even MET before.
And yet funnily enough not only did I end up meeting those same people a few days later – – but I did business with them as well.
Take that for what it’s worth, but ’tis true, my friend. Every word I speak is – in typical “brutally honest 0 Excuses” style – TRUE to a T.
Anyhow, Gandhi is the last thing I’d associate myself with. First thing you know I’ve got long hair at this point, and I’m certainly nowhere near as emaciated as Gandhi himself was (at least from the pictures I’ve seen).
Not only that, he’s NOT someone I wish to emulate – for reasons I’m not going to get into here – but YES, a lot of his achievements are nothing short of stupendous in terms of the end result, so I raise my hat to the man anyway.
Gandhi isn’t the only person I’ve been compared to anyway. I used to be called “Jesus” by some of the pot smoking crowd way back at University – which was even more hilarious since I don’t believe in any form of religion whatsoever, but somewhat more apt given my long hair and olive skin etc.
Ok, now that you’ve got your morning humor for the day, what does any of this have to do with fitness?
Well, in terms of visualization, plenty.
I personally wouldn’t want to visualize myself as a Gandhi – all skin and bones, and probably very little energy to boot. Neither does “Jesus” fit the bill for me – he was somewhat more “robust” than Gandhi, but personally – me – I’d like to visualize having shoulders like boulders and an upper body to match it if you get my drift, hehe.
Or legs that never quit.
Boundless stamina. Energy that NEVER dies out, even in the “wee hours of the night” (curiously enough that is when I’m at my best – I’m not much of a morning person either).
Now, you’d do good to remember that while visualization is and should be step #1 on the road to accomplishing any goal, you DO need to also “get off your duff” and DO something, my friend.
Visualization is great in terms of communicating to the Universe, but ACTIONS speak, my friend – and none so more than those taken when you incorporate the deep breathing and the exercises I teach in the 0 Excuses Fitness System into EACH and every day of your lives.
Believe me – these exercises more than do their bit in terms of connecting you with the Universe – if you don’t believe me – well – bang out Hindu pushups and reverse pushups with the right breathing until you get good at ’em – and you’ll soon start to notice a mysterious feeling of “connectedness” creep all over you.
You’ll feel like a billion bucks – like you can take on ANY and all obstacles, and this feeling won’t merely be physical, my friend. The mind is where it all starts – and where it all ends.
Anyway, that’s that for today. I’m off for some much awaited roadwork now, hehe. Hoo …RAAAAA!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – I still have two spots left in my personal coaching program, so if you’re interested – fill out the form right here and we’ll get back to you pronto – – http://0excusesfitness.com/coaching/
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