Wondrous are the ways of the Universe, my friend

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Dear Reader,

Those of you that read yesterday’s dispatch will no doubt be aware of the “emergencies” I referred to – and the “counter measures” I took to resolve it.

Well, after I sent you that email, it was back to work for me. Text messages. Finding solutions. Workable ones. Et al.

But though I engaged in a lot of “conscious” effort (“trying”) – the complete opposite of what I did in the morning, of course – the solution didn’t quite come to me.

And at around 7:15 P.M. or so I let it go – and figured I’d let the problem be for now. True, it was an emergency of sorts, and true, I couldn’t “let it be” forever, but ’twas time to step back, my friend – and resume “living in the moment” as it were.

And mysteriously, out of nowhere a solution to the issue occurred around 8:45 or so P.M. – in a manner that I LEAST expected it to manifest.

I’m not going to get into the details here my friend, but suffice it say that when you connect with the Universe via deep breathing and focused thought as I advocate – you do NOT “force” the Universe to “grant” you your wishes in any specific manner.

You make the wish – correctly – and you let it go – and you TRUST – in divine faith.

You TRUST that your goals will be accomplished – though in what manner that accomplishment might manifest is a different topic altogether – and one we “mere mortals” can NOT predict.

Lest you think any of this is an isolated incident, think again. While I was working out outdoors the other day a bird shat on me – something that had not happened for a while, and the old good luck semblances instantly flew into my mind.

But as my “rational” mind dismissed them – the subconscious didn’t – and sure enough, that day was one of good luck – although NOT again in the form you might expect!

So the central dispatch of today’s email is this – breathe deeply – CONNECT with the  Universe – and most importantly, learn to “live in the moment” and “let go”.

Along with that, notice also the subtle signs the Universe is sending you ALL the time – things most people don’t even notice.

For instance, I’ve had birds chirping outside my house all day long today (despite it being a dreary rainy day) and one of these creatures was right outside my kitchen window – something that hasn’t happened in ages – and was chirping SO insistently that it was trying to send me a signal – though of what I have no idea.

We’ll see, my friend. We’ll see. For now, yours truly is living in the moment and resting and recuperating from several strenous workouts and days prior – but he’ll be back at it tomorrow for sure!

Maybe I’ll go get a massage – a.k.a a “0 Excuses” style massage. Massage by the way is a great physical healer and something I highly recommend – so much so that I’ve devoted an entire Chapter to it in the System.

Last, but NOT least, lest you think fitness doesn’t fit into this anywhere – well – I’ve got this to tell you -you’re wrong.

Much of the “miracle” that occured yesterday was down to me “living int he moment” and a huge, huge part of that was deep breathing and my workout after that.

When you’re doing exercises like I mention in the System, you cannot HELP but start to be more connected to the Universe, my friend – and this truism holds even truer when you’re engaged in a focused pushup workout.

None more so than the “wrestler” (Hindu) pushups, reverse pushups, table pushups, and of course the KING of them all – the “best darn exercise there is”.

Dive into all this today, my friend – and start reaping all the wondrous benefits that are out there waiting for you!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – By the way, none of this means you don’t need to take ACTION to accomplish your goals. Thoughts without actions are like an empty vessel making noise – NOT what you want to communicate to the Universe. If you’ve got a goal of dropping X lbs from your frame quickly – – or perhaps getting better at pull-ups – – or getting the fittest you’ve EVER been – – well, then – the first step to take to accomplish these and many other goals is to invest in the System, my friend. Do so right here – – http://0excusesfitness.com/0excusesfitnessystem/

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