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Dear Reader,
A long long time ago, a skinny 16 year old lad alighted from a bus that hadn’t quite stopped – and did it the wrong way – and promptly fell right on his right wrist.
Though the injury didn’t appear to be serious (other than the manifold scratches, bruises and slight bleeding on display – not to mention the goggling onlookers) – the young boy felt it for sure.
When he went home, he couldn’t move his wrist sideways without it hurting. Ouch!
And he finally decided to get it checked out at the local doc’s – who along with taping the darn thing up – also gave him a cold one to boot (the young lad’s father knew him, and the father took advantage of the situation to have a cold one with the Doc – not entirely a bad idea methinks!).
Last, but not least, this young lad was one of those skinny, scrawny types you see so often. Skin and bones – and with a grip as weak as weak can be (along with an equally weak upper body) but what DID seperate him from the rest was this – a burning desire to get STRONGER – a LOT stronger – despite all the nonsensical advice he was given at that age about doing so.
A week or so later, this young man had to take an exam which necessitated travel to a different city.
There he happened to chance upon a burly, strapping tennis player – and the first thing this guy did was grip his hand – his injured (and naturally weaker) right hand – and I’m sure you can guess the outcome, eh?
Tennis players have rock solid grips, and …
Anyway, fast forward a few years – or quite a few, to be exact. The young lad had turned into a lean mean machine by now – a fitness machine if I might say so, and he happened to end up in China – where (during one of his sojourns there) he ended up teaching English occasionally despite his dislike for the job (he doesn’t do this any longer though).
And this is what his supervisor at one of the jobs had to say: –
I first met Rahul in 2016 and he nearly squashed my hand in his grip. We got to talking about fitness and he suggested fingertip push-ups to try to mitigate some chronic pain I’d had in my hands by building up the tendons in my forearms. I started off very gently and over time it’s worked like a charm. My next goal is to improve my general fitness by exercising my abdomen and legs using the methods Rahul describes here. Off to a good start!
Alan Murray, Regional Administrator – Balboa International Education (U.S/China)
That young lad was ME, my friend – and if a naturally weak, scrawny young lad can build himself up to a point where even the burliest of gym gorillas shy away from a grip competition with him – so can YOU!
Here is another comment I received – this from a Veteran (an Ex-Marine) with 25 plus years of experience –
I’ve never met anyone that grabbed my hand with a kung fu style grip naturally!
And I’ve received comments like this galore, my friend. Some of these are mentioned on the Gorilla Grip page , as well as the Gorilla Grip (advanced) page – some are not – but the fact is that if you use the exercises mentioned therein, you WILL develop a grip that will have the average person shaking his head in wonder and quite literally “begging for mercy” when you encase his paw in yours, hehe.
Just so you know, the exercises mentioned therein are NOT lifting heavy weights the way it’s done at the gyms.
Doing repeated sets of heavy curls will NOT give you this sort of grip, my friend.
Pull-ups are mentioned in the course, but they’re just ONE of the exercises mentioned. In fact, believe it or not, some of the things you find lying around your household – things you don’t even notice – are exactly what you need to give you the best grip workout of your life – and Gorilla Grip (Advanced) mentions a couple of these exercises.
These exercises are truly unparalleled in building a superhuman grip in record time, my friend.
Try ’em out NOW, and let me know how it goes!
Rahul Mookerjee
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