Do YOU inspire others?

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Dear Reader,

Just got done with some Hindu Squats, pull-ups, and sprints – – followed by a long, long walk around the ‘hood, and I be feeling GREAT, my friend.

I feel absolutely great – on top of the world – and while completing my last sprint, I saw the retired General (who I referred to in an earlier email) out and about on his morning walk as well.

Turns out this gentleman does a walk on the very same route I run – and also turns out that his doctor has told him that “gentle” running (or jogging) is best for his knees as opposed to sprints which I do – mostly because of pre-existing knee injuries as well as his age.

Well – can’t say I agree with the good Doc there – most “gentle” running is exactly what aggravates pre-existing knee conditions, shin splints etc – – and why?

Well, for one, because you don’t go full bore – or anywhere near it when you’re pounding the pavement, my friend – and can thus “go for longer” – but does that make it better than rapid all out bursts of exertion?

Not a chance, my brother. Not a chance and yet that’s NOT what I’m writing to you about today.

I was engaged in a conversation with the gentleman while doing my pull-ups – – and one of the things he told me today was this  “I hope to inspire others by my workout routine!”

And my response?

“You already do, man! At your age … and considering everything you do, and HAVE done … well … ”

I paused, and looked around.

“Take a look around you. Most of these people are way, way out of shape – and they’re probably less than half your age. Always on their smartphones yakking away, doing all the wrong things, and …”

He nodded.

“I agree. It’s sad in a way”.

“It sure is”, I said, as I moved away to do some pull-ups, and I meant every word.

It IS sad that people ignore the ONE thing they should NOT be ignoring – that being their body and therefore their mental state as well.

Anyway, the ex-General’s routine sure DOES inspire me. If I’m feeling lazy some mornings – one thought of this “young” 70 year old man running every morning WITHOUT fail is enough to give me a virtual kick up the backside , and I’m raring to go again.

I wrote earlier about the old man in China who climbs that hill DAILY – come rain, sun, shine or hail and not only has a cast iron grip, but a set of abs that would put most gym bubbas and “young ‘uns” to shame within the space of a few seconds.

And so forth. These people are (sadly) few and far in  between, but boy are they sources of inspiration for me!

That’s what I try and do too, my friend.

I aim to inspire YOU – and others through my daily emails, writings, books, courses and personal training (for those that have opted in) to aim towards – and ACHIEVE – a fitter, leaner, stronger and better YOU.

I aim to inspire ALL reading this to rise UP and ABOVE their present conditions, no matter how “depressing” or unsavory they might be.

I am writing this to tell you that it IS possible -and it IS very doable.

And last, but not least, and most of all, I’m writing this to tell  you about two of the gentlemen – another being my 73 year old grandfather who I’ve written about previously – that  have inspired me greatly, and continue to do so until this day – if just in spirit.

Ok, my friend. That’s it for now. If the above doesn’t inspire YOU to get off your duff, and bang out some Hindu squats and pull-ups – – I don’t know what will!


Rahul Mookerjee

P.S. – The 0 Excuses Fitness System contains my own personal tales in terms of HOW I got as fit as I did and the steps I took to get there. Crack it open NOW and read through it (yet again, if you’ve done it once or even twice before) – – I bet you’ll find it just as inspiring!

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