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Dear Reader,
Many moons ago, a young lad of about … um, say 6 years of age – or perhaps even younger – I’d say around 5.5 years of age or so, woke up at the crack of dawn during summer holidays in Kolkata, India.
That’s right – the crack of dawn during summer holidays.
The time was about 4:20 A.M. or so when the alarm clock rang – and it was one of those old fashioned “shrill” alarm clocks that you turn off with a thump to the top – – but the only thing was, the darn thing rang SO loudly the first time that you really had no choice but to get up as soon as it rang.
No “sweet melodies” playing on the cellphone back in those days, hehe. We didn’t even have the laptop back then – – or computers as we know ’em for that matter. Did have the old “dial” phones tho …
Them were the days, eh?!
Anyway, this young lad would wake up each day of his summer holiday – and he’d go swimming with his grandfather – come rain, sun, shine or hail.
‘Twas about 5 A.M. when we set off from the house in an old “Fiat” car – – and we’d sometimes stop by my cousin’s house as well to pick him – or THEM – up.
Funnily enough or perhaps not, neither one of my two cousins usually ever woke up in time for the morning swim.
We’d swim in a wild lake – so wild that water snakes and other “creepy crawlies” would float by us as we swam.
In fact, I used to be terrified of getting into that lake – which by the way was a man made lake opposite a swimming pool, and we’d often swim laps in the pool after swimming to a certain point in the lake.
And after that, we’d towel off and go home – him off to work, and me doing “holiday homework” supervised by an often cranky mother, hehe.
Now, the point of me telling you this is not to draw parallels between modern day living and “way back in the day”.
My almost 5 year old daughter wouldn’t wake up at 4 in the morning if she was offered a truckload of chocolates, brownies and all the other treats she loves – and during summer holidays? Not a chance in hell.
Point of me mentioning this is to say this tho – my grandfather, at the time I’m mentioning was a sprightly 73 years of age, and – get this – worked a full day AFTER his morning swim.
He was a doctor – one of the best, and his shifts often lasted until 10 P.M. or so, but did that mean he’d miss his morning swim?
No way, Jose!
He’d be up at the crack of dawn no matter what – – and even funnier, I would willingly be up as well – – even though I’m NOT a morning person by any stretch of the imagination.
Those times were some of the best in my young life, my friend. Those memories can never be erased, and I learned several valuable lessons from these (and other similar) experiences.
What are these? Well, many, but for starters …
Well, one is the power of HABIT, and to DO something daily.
Both of these are things I talk about all the time in my fitness books and courses, none more so than 0 Excuses Fitness.
Do something – anything – and do it daily with passion, and you’ll be surprised at the results that follow.
The second?
Well, it’s something that I’ve been talking about ad infinitum over the past few days – but I’ll talk about it again now.
And that being – – if a man of 73 can do it – – then so can YOU! There are literally no excuses my friend – NONE whatsoever.
So when you feel lazy the next time – – or don’t feel like waking up at the crack of dawn to work out – – or just feel like skipping it altogether – – think of the men that do OTHERWISE.
Think of my grandfather – or the almost 70 year old Brigadier I’ve referred to in past emails.
Or, in “another life”, and as I’ve told you in 0 Excuses Fitness – think of yours truly – making it a point to get up that darn hill no matter how late I’d get home from work.
The point is this – – amidst all the other many lessons you CAN and SHOULD be taking from this email – – do SOMETHING – – and do it daily – – and do it WITHOUT fail.
And don’t make excuses.
And the water snakes, you ask? What price the man made “wild” lakes and 4 AM boxer like routines?
Well, good news is this – you don’t need to wake up at 4 AM if you don’t want to. Neither do you have to swim in a lake full of snakes – – or other creepie crawlies, hehe.
All that I ask of you in the 0 Excuses Fitness System is this – your own body and 10-15 minutes of your time (more if you so choose).
That plus the dedication and habit I’ve mentioned above.
And that’s all you need to transform yourself into a super fit version of yourself – – fitter, leaner and stronger than you’ve ever been in your entire life.
Give it a try TODAY, my friend. I guarantee you won’t be disappointed.
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – My advanced course on pull-ups seems to be garnering quite a bit of attention as well on social media. Here is where you can grab your copy — http://0excusesfitness.com/pull-ups-stud-to-super-stud-within-weeks/
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