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I’ve spoken a lot about exercises, and I’ve spoken about a lot about the type of exercise YOU should be doing on a very regular basis.
I’ve spoken the magic power of visualization, and how it can truly get you in the best darn shape of your life if done right (YES visualization alone can propel you to do things that will literally move MOUNTAINS!). . .
And many other things, but have I ever spoken about the intangible driving force behind all of this, a mysterious power that LURKS within us, ever ready to make an appearance when it’s really needed, and how?
I think on occasion, yes, but I’ll talk about it from a fitness standpoint.
Back in the fall of 2015, I went through a period of life like I never had known before in my life …
There were few happier periods in my life than the three months between July and November, and while I’m not going to detail exactly what happened, the astute reader can probably hazard a guess or two.
Come November, things came crashing down due to various reasons as they often do (note to self – when it seems too good to be true, it often is!).
… but, looking back upon this, and hindsight is always 20/20, was it really?
While I was working out before then, and climbing my favorite hill etc, and was not quite “obese”, I sure wasn’t in the sort of shape I should have been or wanted to be.
And my personal life and/or finances weren’t quite doing that well either.
Up and down basically in many regards, and though I wasn’t starving by any means, I sure wasn’t stable or making money as I’d have liked to.
Well, come November … something strange happened after what I mentioned above collapsed.
I felt a fury – a YEARNING – deep within me like I had NEVER felt before, and a desire to ACCOMPLISH – – to strive for more – to be BETTER in many regards.
It was strange, the intensity of the passion and feelings I was experiencing, the likes of which I had NOT felt before …
Before I knew it, there was not one restful minute in my day. I’d wake up, workout, do my work … and then head on again to the hill, climbing it in a different manner, and then again.
By the end of the day, I was nigh exhausted. There had never been a time in my life where I had climbed that hill multiple times a day and let me tell you, it took a lot out of me!
2 times increased to 3 .. then to 4.
Along the way, I kept receiving compliments of how quickly I dropped weight, and “what did I do to drop weight”.
It happened at warp speed – – at a speed that both shocked and amazed me, and it all culminated in 0 Excuses Fitness of course down the line …but I still maintain that if the year 2015 had not happened along with all the occurences in it, then none of this would be happening now, or at least not at the levels it is now.
Things happen for a reason, and they happen all the more when what happened that fall happens.
My OTHER SELF had awakened, and how!
This other self is something that has made it’s presence felt in ALL aspects of life when really needed, sometimes in most spectacular fashion, and in these uncertain times, it’s my duty to bring to you the powers of the other self and how it can literally sweep past any and all obstacles … if harnessed correctly.
And for all of you that are interested, here is a far longer piece that I did up on it – – https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/your-other-self-rahul-mookerjee/
Hit the “like” button and leave comments if you so choose, and take a gander at the other articles I’ve done posted on that site -truly well worth a read, hehe, and I plan on porting some of those over to this site as well very soon. Stay tuned on that front!
Back to fitness, what exactly WAS the secret that got me fit?
While externally it was doing the thing that got me the results I desired, and way beyond, internally, there was way more going on than I can tell you – – or that you would understand, unless, as Napoleon Hill correctly states in Think and Grow Rich “you make the discovery for yourself!”.
‘tis true, my friend. ‘Tis true.
And while I talk about this other self a bit in 0 Excuses Fitness, and even give you a primer on how to harness the sheer power of the “other self” – – there are still some that don’t fully get it – and I understand. ‘Tis truly something you have to experience to feel my friend!
In any case, know this -if you do the thing, you WILL eventually have the power (not mine – the immortal Emerson) … and in terms of fitness that applies just as much as it does life itself.
Do the thing – the right way, and the fitness results you want truly SHALL be yours, my friend.
And on that note, it’s adios for now. Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
P.S. – If you’re interested in taking pushups and that SIX PACK of yours to another level altogether, then here is the course that will GET you there – – https://0excusesfitness.com/pushup-central/
P.S #2 – Lets get it ON, my friend. I DARE you to get in the best shape of your life!
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