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Years ago, I watched a Denzel Washington flick “The Equalizer”.
And although it wasn’t a great movie, certainly not Denzel’s best by a long shot, I was watching it yet again this evening.
Downloaded it, and watched it, and yes, I’m a huge Denzel fan for all of ya’ll out there that don’t know . . .
And I only got so far as the first FIVE minutes of the movie before I closed it.
To write to you!
The idea had been bubbling in my head for a while, but I needed the perfect catch line, and as Denzel, himself no spring chicken in the movie and somewhat pudgy around the edges himself tries to help a grossly obese store worker lose weight so he can “make security guard”, he was asking the guy what he was chowing down upon.
“Tuna sandwich”, fat guy tells him.
Denzel quizzes him on what else was there in the sandwich. Condiments. Toppings. Etc etc. The whole she bang.
And as he hears a “crack” (pop’n’crack) go off while the dude is eating, he cocks a quizzical eyebrow at dude.
Who gets back with “uh, it’s just a potato! Potatoes are vegetables!” (this from the same guy who a minute ago was proudly proclaiming his bread to be “starch free and gluten free”).
Hey, said Denzel. I promised to help you lose weight, but if you won’t apply yourself . . .
. . . And I agree with him.
Same thing I tell people who, for example, buy my books, and don’t DO the exercises therein.
Or something to that effect.
That ain’t why I’m writing this though.
It’s because of what Denzel said AFTER that.
“Progress, not perfection!”
And these three words should be written out in BOLD and hammered on to the top of your living room TV (if the TV can take it, hehe) or even a mirror you look into daily, or anywhere you keep looking throughout the day.
It’s the small changes that take place DAILY that really matter my friend!
Say you do 2000 rope jumps a day.
It don’t matter if you do them in 50 minutes when you first begin.
It matters not if it takes you months to whittle that time frame down or start doing so.
2000 * 30 = = 60,000. Multiply by 365, and you get an even more humungous figure my friend. I’m not going to do the Math; you can; but you get the point.
Or, lets say you do 50 pull-ups daily, or do 25 daily until you work up to 50, and do that for a year.
Again, note it’s not “perfection” out there daily.
But it’s daily progress.
It’s the amazing power of CONSISTENCY that really counts my friend, and the slow but gradual progress at whatever it is you’re doing, fitness included, that gets you places!!
And that, more than anything else is the message of the day. Back again soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Make progress on your pushup numbers by investing in the very best course out there on pushups (here’s an open challenge to YOU to find something BETTER! ;-)) – Pushup Central.
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