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We all want them, don’t we?
Those abs that have that X shape to them (as opposed to the highly and utterly stupid six pack that most crave – at least the “gym sheeple”)? Along with the V taper to the back, and everything we secretly admire (and publicly diss, if you’re Bozo Scofield for one, hehe).
Really. And I’ll write more about secretly admiring and publicly dissing later. Righ tnow, this email would be spoilt if I wrote about lunatics like that!
But anyway, a couple of my courses will get you there.
For one, the exercises in Advanced Hill Training for one.
ALL of them.
And of course my patented “clock -cum -X” pull-up in the advanced course. I forget what exactly I called it, but crack it open, and you’ll see which one I’m referring to!
Boy, I can barely hold my shoulders up right as of now. Just got back from that workout I wrote to you about in the last email!
And I’m taking breaks while writing. Hehe. So awesome was the rest of the workout.
But really, most people say the above stuff, and a lot of my stuff is too advanced.
I disagree.
Anyone with a pulse and thats not lazy can do ’em, if they try.
But still, the too tough babel continued.
And despite myself, I did what I NEVER Do. Am never comfortable doing.
That being to “cater to the masses” .
But it didnt work. As I expected.
As Charless Mitcheel rightly said, you can change your stuff up to cater to the masses … but thats not you!
And he’s right. IT ain’t me. And I ain’t comfortable doing it either.
Hence the name change of Advanced Hill Training to “Eat More Weigh Less”, and then after a few short months, despite more sales, back to what it was.
Her’es the thing.
Call me crazy if you would. Heck, I probably am.
Turning away more sales for one
And also turning away whiners and cry babies that were attracted by the title, but didnt DO the thing, and then whined and moaned about refunds, and other idiotic stuff.
I’d rather have the serious lot, even if it’s less sales, and why?
Because that is ME.
When you buy 0 Excuses Fitness, you buy ME, my friend – o rmy fitness and life thinking packaged into these products, and know it or not, realize it or not, thats exactly what you do when you buy any product.
ANY product.
Anyway, back to it.
Criss cross abs.
Two SIMPLE exercises will do it too.
One of them is in the beginners section in Corrugated Core, and if you can stand and pull your tummy in (even those of you with 46 inch plus waists) – then you can do it. And it works – Fast.
And the second is what I wrote to you in teh other email about criss cross rope jumps, and it ain’t what you’re thinking my friend.
Oh no my friend.
Not even close. NO-ONE on the market is teaching you, I’ll tell ya that!
Anyway, that will have to wait. For now.
I haven’t put out a course on that as yet, so …
But for now, grab Corrugated Core if you’re interested in the above and criss cross abs (who ain’t, hehe). Or some of my other products if you so would.
You will never ever regret it, that I DO promise!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Apply for one on one coaching HERE.
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