Engage when THEY are the weakest!

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What I’m about to say right now might surprise some people reading this.

Especially with your truly being “in your face” about most things …

But I’ve long, long believed in the Deng Xiaoping maxim – Hide your strength, bide your time.

Long, long, long!

It could be the Bozo hitting me out of the blue with his racist memes, and gang of trolly nutsjobs “ganging up on me” by trolling me.

So they thought, hehe.

I didnt make any mention of my response.

Actually the Bozo was too much of a pussy to actually TALK to me after he did what he did, so he promptly blocked me before I had a chance to respond.

Years later, the shoe is on the other foot, and HOW. Hehe.

The Bozo is roundly blocked from all my social media, emails etc, and yet tries to get in touch with me every way he can.

Do you think he’d be doing this if HE was in the position of power, my friend?

Not a chance. He’d just continue his bullying until he either got whacked, or the other person couldn’t “take it”.

Believe me, I’ve seen that sort of behavior from him many a times.

Right now, of course, Bozo Schofield has become world famous, with a certain person even writing in to tell me that he’d be happy to “kick his ass” for me.

To which I responded “better keep that foot out of shit”.

LOL. But it’ s true!

Currently I’m dealing with much of the same thing from a person in my family.

I won’t name who, but those of you paying attention know who it – they are. Hehe.

It’s not even conscious most of the time. It’s subconscious.

But most of the time I just smile and seemingly “take it”.

Until that one day comes to spring out like the proverbial black Mamba and strike, and do with venom – once and for all – and finish the issue – much like with Bozonator Schofield, hehe.

Until then, its a matter of hiding your strength, and biding your time!

Sometimes, it is best not to engage at all.

Sometimes, it is better to concede the battle, yet win the war.

(uncomfortable as that might seem at the time)

And this doesnt mean you’re “weak”, my friend.

Not a chance.

IT simply means you’re smart by not banging your head against a brick wall until the brick wall gets sufficently “old” enough to knock it over (no I’m not referring to age, hehe).

And that is what I wanted to get off my chest. All for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and pick up Isometric Training here. Perfect in light of what I just mentioned above. People will be laughing at you and saying “those are just stretches!”

Let them do so.

Let them laugh, until the day you bang out 10 handstand pushups in a perfect set while the rest around you collapse like Dominoes.

And then when they ask you the secret behind your SUCCESS, tell them. Isometrics for one!

And watch the mouths fall, hehe. And at THAT point, you won’t even need to drive the nail in!

PS #2 – All of this is really paraphrasing the Napelon Hill saying “actions are what count – not words!”.

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