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Excuse the typos pleas, more than normal!
I just got done with a mini grip workout – and the brain truly is racing along, but not the hands, hehe.
As John Walker rightly said in his testimonial on Gorilla Grip … the HANDS are connected to your grip, so if j ust for this one reason (sports alone are another matter, and how it literally makes your performance skyrocket in any physical activity you DO) you should train your grip, and hard!
He was right.
And again.
Not a verbatim quote, but thats the sum and substance of it, or the import as I like to say.
And fat gripz are … what you ask?
Well,you gym goers probably know what they are.
Those thingies you (foam things) wrap around the chinning bar at home to make it harder to grip.
And yet easier i fyou do it right!
And while THICK bar work is the super tip I have w.r.t regard to grip, and never get tired of emphasizing it, fat boyz are pretty good too – if done RIGHT that is.
Wrap them around thick bars, and my oh my!
And the feeling you get from doing pull-ups like this is different.
Iw ouldnt say tougher, but it ain’t easy
And grip wise, it lends itself to a super workout too.
Your lats will literally “scream with pleasure” if you do dead hangs and exercises out of Gorilla Grip and Gorilla Grip Advanced this way!
And your BRAIN will start functioning too, and how, hehe.
Back soon – just wanted to share this one!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Along with Gorilla Grip, make SURE to pick up the BEST damned home fitness system out there right HERE – the 0 Excuses Fitness System.
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