Why motivation in any way, shape or manner only works if you’re INTERESTED in it!
- You can take a horse to water, but you cannot make it DRINK.

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And if you can see past the effing obvious, past your nose at that . . .

And past “current reality”.

The vast majority of people despite their exhortions to the COMPLETE AND UTTER CONTRARY – guess what.



Hate me for saying it, or diss me, or troll me, or make idiotic memes and spread it in WeShat groups, or jump up and down leaving equally moronic, asinine and trollish “loser like” comments like Bozo Glyn the one and only “lunatic el supremo” does, but it’s TRUE.

What do I mean ?

Well, like I wrote about before.

You can take a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink.

Before the nutzos start jumpin up and down about “what does Rahul know”, well, it ain’t something I said, bro.

And it’s TRUE again.

What do I mean?

Well …..as always, real life examples explain it the best.

My wife was apparently recently having trouble with (as she puts it, but I disagree) – a “vein” in her lower abs.

I counseled her on it.

Drink Ginseng tea.

“It’s finished! Nothing ever lasts!”

Drink Kashmiri “Kahwa” tea is what I told her next.

It’s a special kind of tea they drink up in Kashmir, Afghanistan, and those regions, and believe me now and trust me later I KNOW what I BE talking about here in terms of the benefits (and it’s different from regular normal Chinese greent ea which by itself is GREAT as well).

She harrumphed.

What khawa. I dont know what that is!

Curiously enough she was the one that informed me about it’s existence a while back

“I need to go the doctor”, she sniffed.

“Doctor”, I queried mildly. “Last time around we did that we filled up two folders – thick ones at that =- bursting at the seams (and literally one is TORN right now) – to these moronic “fancy degree” docs, and afte about a billion bucks spent, a bazillion trips to the docs office, trillions of time taken of work, and perhaps BAZILLIONS of “tests” later … what did we get?”

Irritated “ok, whatever” was the reply.

My daughter recently had a tummy upset.

Nothing more than plain ole constipation. I said it.

Of course, what do I know, eh.

Off went my wife to the doc, who (curiously enough or maybe NOT – HA!) gave her the same goddamned medicine that she ALREADY HAD.

And so forth.

People place way too much faith in fancy degress, and charlatan “Babas” and crap that doesnt work, because they’re just too damn lazy to do the thing.

In my wife’s case, MOVEMENT – any MOVEMENT (NO, I did NOT plug my exercise system to her!) would help, and dissipate the “annoyance” she feels all day long.

But nooooooooooooo.

What does Rahul know, eh.

And lest you think this limits itself to my immediate family, think AGAIN brah.

Think several friggin times.

Think very carefully, and then some

And then go and think AGAIN.

The same thing applies when you tell Bozos like Scofield to DO something productive with their life, as I (in vain) tried to teach him back when I still spoke to him.

His response was to troll.

“How dare he” , hehe.

If you tell a fat person that the reason he can’t do pull-ups despite secretly trying galore is not because of strength alone, but because of way the hell too much LARD around the midsection and tummy, chances are he’ll harrumph back.

“I dont care about pull-ups! The iron is the real deal!”

Tell the nuts who think that grip training isn’t important that it is, and list out the reasons why (which I’ve done HERE an dHERE amongst others!) … and they’ll pooh poooh it in a ridiculous manner.

“The way you emphasize grip training is like you think it’s more important than breathing!”

I wouldn’t say that, bro.

But it’s ALMOST as important!

And there endeth this one.

Long story short – don’t WASTE your time with nuts who will never, ever LISTEN to something uplifting.

And to end this, a story …

(another one, hehe)

… One of the great motivators of yore is Napleon Hill, and if you heard what his immediate circle said about him when he “hadn’t made it” … well, you wouldn’t believe your ears.

And your ears would likely curl up into a ball as well, so stinging was the criticism, and mostly BS for the most part (i.e. he had what it took to SUCCEED, and was willing to put in the hard yards, while the wackos, bozos and nutjobs – nutwads, actually – were NOT).

Again, you can take a horse to water.

But you best NOT make it try and drink if it doesnt want to, unless you’re the Bozo sort who prefers to bang his or her head against a brick wall.

Yes, ladies.

You can do pull-ups, sometimes a damn sight better than men.

But the BOZO thing applies equally to ALL genders.

And that is it from yours truly now – out for now!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – PIck up some SPECTACULAR tips on building that grip like NEVER EVER BEFORE – in a a manner very few people CAN – by investing in Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) right HERE.

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