Why perfectionism is a plague BEST AVOIDED, and why I laugh at other that nitpick and pester (and laugh at) those DOING The thing.
- BEcause these same people have NOTHING going on in their own lives ... Badger Central!!

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Long one. And the bove pestilinces take on MANY FORMS.

(much like my typos in these here emails do).

Anyway, i just got done with some STRETCHING.

And I was reminded of something – this time, why my wife of all people “laughs” at what I do for a living, albeit in a more gentle manner than Mommy dearest and some others who claim to not know what I do, but know fully well (but not all, hehe).

But either way, she claims “how can you be a fitness expert”

Why cant I be, I laugh back.

She doesnt know it bothers me, and really, it doesnt beyond a point.

She then brings up my one weak point, which I’ve done a lot to address.

My hamstrings – – naturally tight due to lack of physical activity when growing up and crappy genetics, and something I’ve worked upon so much that you wouldn’t even notice I have them now.

And yet.

“HE can’t even straighten his legs fully”, she giggles.

True if we’re talking years ago.


Hell no.

But it’s a weak point, and according to her unless the legs are perfectly straight, you ain’t working out.

Which is the stupidest thing I ever heard unless we’re doing yoga shmoga, and even there … Even “Bikram” or whoever the guy is probably wouldn’t say this!

Swimming. Boxing. Wrestling. Which one of these is done with ramrod straight legs?

Stretching, yes.

But even there, you have plenty of wiggle room my friend.

If you can be perfect, great. But shooting for perfection every time and the first time sets you up for one thing. FAILURE.

Curiously all of these people that keep screaming perfectionism with regard to yours truly are anything but the epitome of the same THEMSELVES in their own lives in ANY REGARD.

Including my wife.

And it takes many forms.

For example, dude who showed up when I was doing pull-ups and pestered me for a while demanding to know why I wasn’t “working my mind”.

Like it was any of his business anyway, and he got the point soon, to be honest.

Or, people that pester me to get on phone calls.

Now, I have nothing against constructive arguments or discussion, but all too often “can we get on the phone” means you’re a sounding board for the other person and nothing else.

While SOMETIMES that can be OK, in the vast majority of cases it ain’t.

And I live by the dictum “if you can’t put it in writing, you might as well not say it”.

And I IGNORE calls for me to call people up …

… Anyway, one of these people didnt get th epoint.

He pestered me again with the inane excus eof “are you still on social media?”:

He knew I was.

He was fishing for an answer.

Being I was in a generous mood, I gavehim one.

Lets give him a chance, I thought.

OF course, his flood of responses immediately thereafter proved me WRONG.

“What are you doing?”

“What are your plans”

In the vast majority, if not ALL these cases, people that badger you about your plans CLAM UP when youa sk them about theirs.

It’s always some sort of criticism or unwanted advice for YOU.

Which quit efrankly yours truly is NOT interested in.

But the nuts don’t get the point, do they?

And when you tell them that, they whine back with “well, I was just talking!”

True dat.

Dat they were.

Because they had nothing else going on.

Inane gossip and chatter to fill the time.

But yours truly has plenty going on, and yours truly does NOT want to get involved with any of that!

And back to perfectionism. AVOID it, my friend.

When you first start out with many of the exercises I advocate, an dindeed even when you’re advanced, you’re lucky to be able to even DO THEM.

And perfectionism means MASTERY, which even the great Bruce Lee, or Herschel Walker, or anyone of note would admit is NOT attained easily, if at all.

Boddhidharma probably would too.

Our Creators created us all flawed.

Trick is to WORK those flaws, and LIVE with them, and MAXIMIZE your strengths while working on the weak links in the chain so long they dont remain weak anymore.

And NOT badger those that are doing the thing …

Long one – – but I think you guys get the point!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – – No home based fitness system is “perfect”, but the 0 Excuses Fitness System and Advanced Hill Training are as perfect as they get (or as close to it as possible) when it comes to burning LARD off your frame quick. Be sure to check ‘em out – oh, Jump Rope Mania! Is another one!

(Just got done with a workout out of that book, so I KNOW!) .

PS #2 – My wife probably (and certainly, actually) thinks I’m a pestilence best avoided as well (on certain things). So does Mommy – except she doesnt DO it. HEhe. Anyway, even stevens. LOL.

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