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It’s funny. I’ve been writing about something true in the past few emails – a certain lovely lass named “Jassy” who prefers to lift “pink dumbbells” int he gym for training, and then have her shoulders rubbed “pressed” as she calls it after each rep by a likely slobbering personal trainer …
One of the main reasons I could never be a personal trainer. I walked into a gym once and what the person told me there was enough to turn me off right there and then.
“You need muscles that puff!”
UGH. Along with a poster of Mr. Olympia or something with puffy beach boy show muscles … I literally almost puked right there and then and didnt just hoof it out of that damn gym.
I … RAN! As fast as my legs would take me.
True story, much like the silly pink dumbbells we had at home growing up and that I lifted for a very brief while because I didnt know any better, and because my Dad told me that “repetition” was what would build strength (i.e. lifting those crummy things for reps at a time).
And now, we have Rahul Mookerjee, “el fitness supremo” … Hehe.
Funny how these things work, eh.
Anyway, last night, I had one of those vivid multi faceted dreams.
The color BLUE showed up a lot. I’ve written about that on another site!
It’s funny how things work. I was thinking of a certain person before lopping off to sleep, and I dreamt of …
Ah, but anyway. The color blue showed up, and so did BEER.
I’ve been having BEER show up a lot in my dreams as of late. Thrice consecutively, in fact. Three times is a charm? Hehe.
Funny, but I was thinking that too before lopping off …
Anyway, beer, and BLUE, and I dont know if it’s a coincindence, but the bar of soap I’m using is blue too. Shaped like a “dumbbell” according to my daughter who I “showed” it to.
And apparently she uses it too now!
Anyway, brain dumps aside – – so I was being “threatened” by a bully in last night’s dreams.
Puffy muscles bully boy, and I remember saying to myself. Lets go to the damn gym and see if we can outlift him!
So i went .
And picked out the biggest weights on offer.
Which funnily enough turned out to be funnily shaped dumbbells, BLUE In color.
With straps.
Much like ladies shoes!
Much like Jassys, hehe.
I remember thinking … are these weights, or women’s shoes???
And when I lifted them, they were so easy that they might have been nothing.
Now, you the reader might be inclined to pooh pooh this as being a dream.
Well, here’s a true story from 2011 I believe.
When yours truly made the mistake to go to another Middle Kingdom in Arabia …
I was trying to find a pull-up bar in Ruwi, Oman.
And I finally found one of those doorway chinning bars, but on the way home, while waiting for the crappy shared taxi, I couldn’t resist checking out the GYM.
And those huge weights on offer. Ac ouple of puff duffs were pumping away as well on benches, staring at me.
I asked the lady in charge if I could “try” for a brief instant. She smiled, and said yes.
Probably thinking whats this guy doing in here.
I went in there.
Picked up the most massive set of dumbbells, preparing for a strained or pulled muscle, or worse.
IT was EASY!
I mean, it felt heavy yes. But I hoisted that sucker like nothing else, and after doing 10 on each arm, I could barely feel it.
I walked out.
True story.
And the moral herein is this – getting good at bodyweight stuff means you get good at the REST.
The reverse isn’t neccessarily true. Ask Steve Justa, or any of the other illuminaries out there, and you’ll KNOW.
Just like getting proficient at pushups means your pull-ups get better, but the reverse, and this is unbelievable for a lot of people isn’t always true.
And so it goes.
Jassy, the pink ladies dumbbells, and shoe shaped dumbbells, and blue soaps. Gives me a few ideas to pen down. But I best not go there HERE, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – To get good at pushups, an exercise you CAN do during the holidays – and that WILL keep the fat from burgeoning “out of control” (as Tracy likes to say “yours out of control!”) … get on the workouts in the best course ever on pushups – Pushup Central.
PS #2 – And if you plan on gorging during the holidays (hey, I wouldn’t blame ya if you did!) – make sure to get in a good dose of “Eat more – Weigh Less” as well.
PPS – Merry Christmas again! I think it’s “Yuletide” spirit I should be saying, but not sure …
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