- ... flat out WORK!

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… flat out WORK!

And thats the “M.O” (otherwise known as sub title, hehe) for the SECOND Volume of Fitness Pioneer which I just got done putting together.

But that isnt the big news for this one.

I was going to title this email “Birthday Sale”. OR something that like that.

And for a change, I was going to keep it short like all the guru shurus advocate.

But I did neither, keeping in line with my usual “contrarian” ways …

Anyway, yours truly has officially, or will soon, or has for a while now CROSSED the “big 4”.

He doesnt feel it, and doesnt look it (the former according to me, and the latter according to most others).

He does seem to get crankier with every passing year though, heh.

I think I’m going to celebrate my 40th with sets of 40 pull-ups throughout the day (not all in one set, but 40 per workout).

Let’s see if I get to 400, which is the goal!

I’ll keep you posted, but for now?

Well, I decided to be generous and GIVE on my own birthday, hehe.

Give – YOU.

And I’m giving you a chance to get my products at a DISCOUNT – for now.

A 20% discount no less, which can add up for the bigger value purchases!

But hurry – this sale ain’t gonna last forever.

It WILL (or should, at least) be a BOON to a lot of you that have emailed me about ebooks etc, and are serious about getting ‘em. Or an added incentive to act NOW, anyway …

Here it is then.

Coupon code for the discount – – “THEBIG40”.

And while I plan on keeping this active for two days – until the 6th – I may pull early depending upon demand.

Act NOW, my friend. Act NOW, and save BIG!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Those of you that are first time buyers will get a 20% discount anyway on your first purchase off the site the way the things are, but this is more for you REPEAT buyers – to reward YOU!

Hurry, and act NOW bro.

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