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A short while ago (so I say, hehe) my daughter was “squawking” like a baby chicken.
And while you may or may think thats a figment of my imagination, truth is this little 7 year old does all she can to be an even smaller BABBEEEE, hehe.
As in BABY.
And I …well, what I can say.
As I said, overindulgent in certain regards am I!
Beer. Women. And of course exercise, and when it comes to “mollycoddling” my “little” girl in a GOOD way. Hehe. Princess is she, that I WILL SAY.
Anyway …
I asked her the question.
It got the expected response, hehe.
But really, it’s a question I should ask the idiots at the gym who go on and on and strut around with their unnatural preened and posed, puffed and buffed, tanned and oiled pecs and show muscles, and do all that on wobbly spindly spinster like CHICKEN legs.
Look around any commercial gym these days, and you’ll be hard pressed to see legs on a man. (if you can call them men).
Most are too busy lying flat on their backs trying to …
But point of me saying this is not just that.
It is that if you tell these SO CALLED strongmen to do something that KIDS do, they’d FALL FLAT on their face – and in the majority of cases, have several heart attacks.
Lets talk CHASING the chicken, hehe.
Not choking it, though thats something the boobybuilders apparently aren’t too good at either without “help” if you get my drift.
Limp chicken if anything, but lets talk chasing the chicken.
No. NOT chicks!
Chicken, as in the bird!
(Ole Rocky’s trainer once said to the chicks that came to ask for Rocky’s autograph while he was training hard.
“GEt your chicken asses out of here!”
And to Rocky.
You lay off that PET SHOP GAME, kid!
Women – weaken – LEGS!”
And he was right.
For all the Bozos out there asking me to introduce them to chicks and like a certain Schofield does “how many girls asked for your WeShat”, that should be answer enough. In the vast majority of cases they get an EVEN MORE ACERBIC answer! )
Anyway, Rocky.
Lets give the dude credit.
When he was asked to chase a chicken in Rocky II, he pissed and moaned about it, but he almost did it the first time.
Almost got it.
And let me tell you, most grown men, even triathletes and crossfitters would be hard pressed to catch that little ole bird the first time or ANY time they try.
As for you chicken legged bodybuilders and bench press maniacs, I have this to say – TRY IT.
There is reason chicken chasing is mentioned on the sales page for Animal Kingdom Workouts, and why the DUCK WADDLE is mentioned in the BOOK.
Chickens, as an aside are interesting.
Some call them nasty and dirty. They are that!
Some say dont eat them, or you’ll lose strength and feel weak.
I Dont know my friend.
I eat plenty of it, and nothing’s ever happened in that regard and I doubt it will.
(I’d rather eat the holy cow though, hehe).
But anyway, (and yes, beef is by far my favorite – along with LAMB – YUM! – and GOAT! – YUM!) …
Squawks, you say?
Get the average deadlifting Bozo to hang on to the pull-up bar, and other than squawks out the ass (literally, ugh) – youll hear them squawk and squeal like schoolgirls.
Get the wackos who claim “the bench press is the true test of STRENGTH” to do a handstand, or handstand pushup?
And you’ll hear even louder squeals, hehe.
Chicken or schoolgirl, which are YOU – I should ask these fine strut specimens.
And on that note, I’m out.
Truly yours,
Rahul Mookerjee
Best – PS – Hey, UPREDICTABLE is one thing I AM!
But really – grab Animal Kingdom Workouts NOW.
ALong with that Kiddie Fitness for your kids.
And get cranking NOW.
Start to get in the best shape of your life – NOW!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I often ask my daughter what exercise “gorillas do the most”. Or “King Kong does the most”. Thats something else I should ask the APES that monkey away at the deadlifts and lat pulldown, hehe.
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