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I gotta say this, my friend – because it’s true – the CHEST isn’t the part of the body women love the most.
Well, it’s ONE of the parts of the body, but the idea that most guys have that “more is better” there isn’t necessarily, actually, it ISN’T true in terms of what you really want, ie. attracting members of the opposite sex.
Or, if you’re the Bozo sticking his tongue in “where it don’t belong”, the same gender, or a mix therein (and hey. We all have our own preferences. LOL. Who am I to criticize him for THAT. Hehe.)
The #1 thing, my friend is LEGS. Not necessarily the part you’d think either.
But more than that even?
Even the most ardent of Nazi feminists would be hard “pressed” to tell you that a flat stomach (no, I dont mean six or twelve or seventeen or 85 pack) is what the REAL turn on is.
I mean flat.
And no, it ain’t the hard what you’re thinking, though the first DOES translate into the other.
Truth be told, and I’m sure my most ardent detractors would agree here – I AM qualified to give you a course on sexual “advice” and what not, and no, I dont mean the Kamasutra either.
I was once told “you’re going to be a porn star!”
(this was during a trip abroad).
While I must admit that has never ever been a conscious goal and likely never will, the “track record” I’ve got speaks for itself. LOL.
But .. how does this relate to YOU you ask?
Well, simple.
If you’re looking to attract women or make yourself physically sexier to the one you HAVE NOW – well – the flat stomach is key.
Gym built six packs are NOT the key. They’re “revolting”.
And it wasn’t me that said that either, hehe.
Sure, mind is what counts.
But, a little extra never hurt . . .
Point, again, is PULL-UPS. Not porno.
Although most male porno stars are damn good at pull-ups, the REASON they do it is two fold.
One, there are FEW better ways to increase blood flow down there, and TWO? THe pull-up is one of the QUICKEST ways to reduce STOMACH FAT – and get the “slim” waist look that you want.
(Yes, yes, I know. You can lift me up and throw me out of the window. But you don’t really WANT that, my friend. And even if you did manage to do it, I dont think it would get YOU to your goals of becoming slim and TRIM and ATTRACTIVE as opposed to BLOATED …and UNFIT (and getting worse by the day)).
Drinking whiskey and saying it aint got as many cals as beer does aint gonna cut it either, because guess what.
Al-ki-hol, as an ex called it, hehe, is just that – Al-ki-hol.
Calories galore. If you’re looking to lose weight, especially around the tummy, then drinking is a sure shod way of ensuring you DO NOT lose weight (except in cases where you do exercises that are SO rare that you can literally burn the candle at both ends and get away with it big time…).
..For a while.
Even the candle has an expiry date.
Extremes aren’t usually good for most people …
Unless YOU are extreme like I am.
And no, extreme pull-ups aren’t required to achieve any of the above.
Believe me, a TWO minute (and thats ALL you do for the entire day!) workout on the chinning bar, or your friendly tree branch, or if you’re a Schofield, then “down there”, hehe … will get you along the path to those goals.
And most “men” CANNOT – I repeat – do more than TEN seconds, IF EVEN THAT – I repeat – IF EVEN THAT of what I advocate, and it isn’t advanced.
THE SECRET, if I may say so – and it’s really not one either, if you get my drift.
It’s mentioned in Pull-ups from Dud to STUD within weeks, and the FAQ on pull-ups.
And it’s mentioned all over the advanced course and the compilation, of course, but its not an advanced routine at all. A seven year old could do it. Or perhaps THREE!
And if you’re in the least bit interested in a FLAT sexy stomach (and this holds true for you gals out there too, unless your man is into “rolls of fat”, which he may well be, hehe) – then you owe it to yourself to check out the above courses NOW.
And then DO the thing.
And thats what I gotta tell you for now – back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember. 20% off for you NEW people on the list and first time customers too, so HURRY. I dont plan on leaving that there forever. It was supposed to have gone down last month, but I’ve still got it up for some odd reason. So HURRY, my friend. Make HAY while the SUN shines (not Schofield style “sun”, hehe).
He truly DOES love caves, except of a different nature. Ah, the stories I could tell you, and that keep coming into my Inbox from gals in that regard.
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