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Was doing my nightly round on LinkedIn, and I found the usual going on.
A lot of copywriters at it.
A lot of factory guys desperate to sell their wares before CNY officially starts with discounts and what not.
And folks complaining about job “shob” and so forth.
And the usual other muck (which is why I left in the first place).
Reducing prices?
Yours truly just INCREASED the price of Animal Kingdom Workouts on nigh on MOST of the sites that sell the book, and this site is lower – FOR NOW.
That won’t last forever either though (but that ain’t an “open invitation” to the cheap asses to buy it. If you believe it doesn’t provide value, well, skip on PAST it, hehe. No skin off my nose!).
But really …
The “going rate” for “proofreading” seems to be 25 GBP for 10 pages or so from what I can tell, which is insanely low to begin with.
I imagine copywriters are “taking what they can get” as well (not the smart lot, but most).
And thats fine …
But that brings me to my central point.
Some jackass from the UK recently claimed our great book on handstand pushups “Shoulders like Boulders!” is a “waste of money”.
Except this nutcase didn’t say “why”.
All he said was price, price, price and “number of pages”, and that I (this given what the other Bozos say is the most insane part) “did not look like I trained”.
Of course, this moron never did get back to us on if he can DO the thing, or even tried.
CAN he do handstands – or handstand pushups – especially the way I teach ‘em, which is unlike any other out there?
I doubt it.
I seriously doubt it.
And he complained about me “removing negative reviews” when his is plainly in view for all to see, an no, I ain’t got no plans of removing it!
Some examples of glaring stupidity must remain …
Anyway, if you’re interested in one of the best exercises there is on building the shoulders – go here – Shoulders like Boulders! .
Advanced folk – go HERE.
And I’ll see you on the other side!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Price shoppers, PLEASE do yourself a favor and unsubscribe, because this ain’t for you.
PS #2 – The years of WORK that went into this, the STELLAR RESULTS the course BRINGS TO YOU – and the joker doesn’t even tell me if he can do the thing. Then he has the gall to complain about idiotic things. HA!
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