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Yeah, yeah, I know.
So went a comment from a former friend Charles.
A guy that never listened to what I said claiming that “your audios get deleted” because of the others I get. (Golly, I wonder how I wonder put up with that for so long).
As another person I knew – and YOU know – Marc the African Silverback Gorilla said, that is just plain DISRESPECT
And we both agreed on that if “someone can’t find the time to listen and reply within 24 hours in most cases”, then they’re just ignoring you and dont want to talk to you.
Which unless we were babbling on about the retarded thing (I suppose thos ethat do it could call it a “job”) called “ESL” he didnt.
Thats ALL he ever wanted to talk about.
“Yeah, I dont know what else I would do”.
This despite my exhorting him and telling him that he had and probably still does have plenty of talent he could use for other things – in other words – to snap his mind out of being lazy and the LETHARGY.
Of course, how dare I. Hehe.
But I wouldn’t have, if we would have ever chatted like normal friends … (curiously enough, when he had to rant about Bozo Glyn or ESL, there were about 10 times the number of “voice notes” which I admittedly hate too. I’d rather things be done in writing).
But anyway …
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know you think ESL teachers are all idiots, dancing monkeys and useless. But I think you need to get on the train to see the light at the end of the tunnel”
Funnily enough, I had just got a hefty severance package from the last Bozo job I quit because they wouldn’t live up to their end of the deal.
Funnily enough, it was ESL.
And funnily enough, he was right about the first part – but not the second.
(and no, I wasn’t staring down any barrels at that point either)
And funnily enough, he wrote me such a long note that I wondered at that point why he didnt do MORE with the talent he HAD.
(Yes, I paraphrased the gist, but his original note was better written, and was about 3 times as long, but I Cannot be bothered to pull out the screen shot for now, but really – thats the gist, and he did make the comment about “me seeing the light at the end of the tunnel through the almighty ESL”. HA!)
“Because I dont have any contacts”, is what he would say.
Napoleon Hill was right in that the human mind looks for any, every and ALL Excuses not to do the thing as opposed to the ONE reason they can – and should be doing it!
(Think and Grow Rich; again, paraphrased)
The point, my friend is this.
He knew well enough I hated ESL, and rightfully so .
If he wanted to be a dancing monkey and think that would get him to the “light at the end of the tunnel”, well, thats GREAT.
But why he’d try to convince ME of doing the same thing is something only he knows …
In an industry that died years ago, where the students “teach the instructors”, where as a friend Dwayne rightly pointed out “they’re usually in most cases hired for either their skin color or nationality”.
And he was SPOT ON.
Hence my dancing monkey comments, and Bozo Schofield did a lot of those jobs.
Anyway …
The gym,my friend, sells most people the same “Dream”.
Of getting the results they want by forking over huge membership fees on a monthly basis which of course they find a way to tack on to every month …
By showing you shiny glamourous machines and planting an idea and then the picture in your mind repeatedly that you need this razmatazz to “get in the best shape of your life” – when the reality is by using those machines, weights, pumping, posing, massaging or getting massaged, hiring personal trainers that dont know their butt from a “rabbit hole in the ground”, you’ll only slide FURTHER down the tunnel of pain,injury, WEIGHT GAIN – and literally no results.
The gym, my friend, wont help YOU if you can barely hang on to the chinning bar without assists or at all.
(there is a reason, by the way, I dont talk about assisted pull-ups that certain nuts that want to “teach from the bottom” – in parlance that might be called “topping from the Bottom” as the Bozo knows – Schofield, not the person that said it – what I mean is people that cannot DO the thing trying to tell a pull-up EXPERT on how to teach etc – in the book).
There is a reason I dont “go easy” on people that are too lazy to lose weight.
The gym won’t help you build any sort of functional strength when you’re on the ground either flat on your back or on your stomach.
(see pushup Central for more on that – some of the poses have been deemed “almost impossible” to do by a certain DOER, hehe)
But really, the Jim Shim sells you a CROCK.
And people buy into it, because guess what – that is how the human MIND is engineered.
Repetition does indeed achieve the desired result – and if accompanied by PICTURES – guess what – it does it even quicker.
And the results most people are (not) getting from the Jim Shim (and hence secretly hanging on to EVERY WORD I say, hehe) – and the results yours truly got (not) when he used to lift weights (at home, which is better than Jim Shim, but still) PROVE what I am saying.
If you’re one of these people, stop getting annoyed my friend.
The truth bites.
It did for me years ago!
And it is for YOU NOW.
Best way to silence thy critics is, always, through sheer dint of ACTION.
Take that action now, bro.
The choice is up to you of course.
To remain a “poser” that secretly envies the “doers” thinking they’ve “got it all” and “are so lucky” (the truth is the polar opposite) – – or to SEE THE LIGHT – at the end of the TUNNEL and start DOING NOW.
Entirely your choice!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Remember to pick up Advanced Hill Training – truly a course you sprint fanatics out there will love.
(YES, big guys can do ’em just as well. FAT focks cannot tho, but thats why the course was written).
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