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My dream – the specifics of it are coming BACK to me HOURS and HOURS after I actually had ’em.
Considering most people forget their dreams seconds after awaking, I’d say that is pretty good. . .
The wonders of the mind, my friend.
(and there was a reason the word “Charles” popped up and “LinkedIn”, hehe).
Well, I’ve made no secret of the fact that my dreams ARE prophetic, with proof. I’ve made no secret of the fact that they’ve warned me of dangers (or good things) in advance – “introduced” me to people I never really met until weeks later, and many other things.
And you should know right NOW, my friend, that I dont talk a lot (really, I do, LOL) – but whatever I DO say – is straight from the heart, TRUE and makes sense.
I’m MORE than qualified, for instance, to put out the “first” course on success that I have – Zero to Hero! – and motivational reads such as Gumption Galore!
Or, the Fitness Central series.
Or, Fitness Pioneer …
(that was another one the Bozos are trolling – hey – there’s a second volume out too!)
(The Bozo said it right though when he said “I’m a pioneer in many regards“!)
Or any of the non fitness related stuff I do. And believe me, there is a TON of it.
Now, where was I.
I’ve lost my train of thought. Scroll up time…
Anyway, in the dream I believe Charles and another person (with gorilla traps, hehe) was accusing me of being a “Hill Follower”.
Well, to put it bluntly …
That I am my friend!
I dont follow many people at all. Perhaps not even ONE.
But I DO learn and regard certain people are being gurus.
Claude Bristol and Napoleon Hill are the only two – Dr Maxwell Maltz too. Three.
Other than that, there are people I greatly admire and enjoy reading their stuff etc – but the above three are truly without PEER in my book.
That knew their shit inside out – left right and center, and so forth.
Much like I am with fitness.
Rahul Mookerjee’s knowledge of Physical Culture is without peer and if you want to acquire that knowledge then I suggest you pay what he’s asking and if that’s too much for you? Then that as they say is “life”.
There is a reason a former Samurai said this …
But anyway, Hill.
There is another hill I’ve been following all my life without wanting it.
The hill HERE.
And yes, it’s the same hill I speak of so often.
It not only has a special place in my heart, but the SUBCONSCIOUS too!
And much like that other skill I spoke about which even your greatest detractors CANNOT say anything against, and wont want to oddly enough – the hill is one of these things too.
Trolling aside, the trolls have never bothered to troll me on the specifics of hill climbing, sprints etc.
Of course, for a Bozo whose only sprint is from “table and chair in Mama’s dark, dark, basement, cobwebs hanging off wall, that COMPUTER (and another unmentionable) being the center of the Universe – with beer in hand -> commode” – he certainly isnt qualified to anyway!
But yes, I am a hill follower.
Thats why that hill has found me, or I’ve found it – despite long breaks – all my life.
All my life, myf riend.
And that looks set to continue.
We truly CANNOT get away from who we really, really are at our DEEPEST CORE …
And thats a truism even the Bozos will agree with, hehe.
(poor guy, lol)
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Check out training done on a real hill, real man, “movie star” style right here – Advanced Hill Training.
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