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Well it should be about that, actually. Getting what you pay for, and so forth, was how the term itself was “birthed”.
But anyway, Rolls Royce of fitness, you ask?
Truly the pinnacle?
Best there is, best there WAS, and best there ever will be?
I can’t say thats necessarily me, hehe.
(Bret the Hitman Hart made the above opening statement on his way to the “squared” circle. Despite him being a “WWE” wrestler – he wasn’t show – now the Harts were real wrestlers – tough guys who learned as kids, and never forgot!
Their Dad would literally put them in holds in the basement that would have their Mama wondering “what was going on”).
Mucho RESPECT to Bret.
I didnt want to see his WWE career end the way he did, but oh well. Thats “life” I suppose.
On that note, here’s another equally sage comment from another legend – thats been training HARD despite being at an age where most would have done thrown in the towel already!
I have a few of this author’s books and I’d like to purchase more but unfortunately they’re way out of my price range, i.e. £174 for the pull up book is beyond my budget, if I spent £174 on any book no matter how good it is, my wife would have a fit and I would not be able to justify the expense, which is a great shame but that’s life I guess.
Having said the above in “fairness” I must point out this book is one of the more affordable books by Rahul.
John from the United Kingdom
And, lets take a look at this –
I first met Rahul in 2016 and he nearly squashed my hand in his grip. We got to talking about fitness and he suggested fingertip push-ups to try to mitigate some chronic pain I’d had in my hands by building up the tendons in my forearms. I started off very gently and over time it’s worked like a charm. My next goal is to improve my general fitness by exercising my abdomen and legs using the methods Rahul describes here. Off to a good start!
Alan Murrary, Regional Administrator – Balboa International Education (U.S./China)
And then this …
I first was introduced to Rahul through his fitness blog. The standout for me was, and still is, his writing.Rahul articulates himself clearly, and more importantly, he does it with a finesse that draws you in. Rahul has a great sprirt for fitness which is evdienced through his own personal commitment to fitness and through his fitness books and blog posts. He writes clearly and has the wins on the board in terms of his own fitness and his clients. If you value your fitness and want to improve, try out Rahul’s fitness techniques.
Mike Harding, I.T. Manager, Brisbane, Australia
I could go on and on and on, my friend.
The numbers – and customers – truly are LEGION!
But more than anything else, I just want to say ONE Thing.
The Rolls Royce is never complete without the “whole picture”.
The fashion sense.
The accessories.
And despite advocating paperbacks for most of my books, for this one, I actually advocate either BOTH – or the digital download.
Because the videos, my friend, are pure GOLD.
Like NOTHING you have EVER seen before.
And other than that, here are the other accessories you simply must have with this course.
There are more, but those will suffice for now.
Get after it now, bro.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Oh, and don’t forget the kiddie equivalent right here – a course that will whip your average neighbood kid into shape quick, and turn the bullies into – well – DECENT kids without the “frustration” – and so forth – right HERE.
Kiddie Fitness truly is the BOMB!
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