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It’s no secret that with women, you can’t “win for losing”.
And part of the reason that so man y men, yours truly included LOSE at this GAME is?
Well, I used to lose not in the game of “getting ’em” but “fighting with them” as it were.
… is they fight back against their inane and stupid requests and demands.
Lets face it, bro.
Women will do everything they can to make a man’s life a living hell – if they CAN.
And even my most ardent detractors will know the truism of this statement.
Key being, if they can.
My wife often clangs dishes etc or makes statements that she “knows I can’t say much to ” – because it would involve me fighting back (rightfully so) and of course she’s the woman so she’s always right, hehe.
These days, when she calls me hollering?
I just say “I know, you’re right!”
You’re always right, hehe.
And that, my friend, as a great customer of mine has “learned” or perhaps KNEW always over and FROM 27 years of marriage?
Was guaranteed to piss her off even more except there’s not much she can do.
Lets face it, boys.
Keeping your SANITY and your own peace of mind is far more important than getting to pissing contests either wives, or significant others, or TROLLS for that matter.
Such as the idiot (well he wasn’t a troll, but still) on LinkedIn I spoke about
Or, of course, ole Glyn “el trollo” Schofield.
Or anyone really.
Why get yourself dirty in the mud with THEM?
Instead, win in the way that matters.
The way that matters is to make MONEY, my friend.
And if you can make money from the trolls, and other negative buffoons out there, why not DO IT?
I do it all the time.
Anyway, trolling or ignoring wives, hehe, and their inanity is NOT one of the secrets mentioned in Zero to HERO! – or the 10 Commandments of Successful Sales.
But I should create a book just to tell you how to make money from trolling and personal attacks. Hehe.
And maybe I will.
For now, feast on the above two.
I’ll be back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – How dare I. I know. But living alone, my friend, was the best damned decision I ever, ever took or made …
PS #2 – Be sure to turn into a fitness HERO by following the program that is truly the Rolls Royce of FITNESS.
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