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So, I wrote about the worst analogy I’ve ever seen in recent times on rahulmookerjee.com.
In short, it was some ass clown claiming that “if Amazon is open, and no-one is asking them why they are operating online (this in itself was one of the most wacko comments I’ve seen in a while – I mean “why is Amazon online” isn’t exactly a question the “sharpest brain in the house” would ask if you get my drift?) then why not teaching online and why do schools need to reopen”
I kinda tore this post a new A-hole here … The most retarded analogy I’ve ever seen! (rahulmookerjee.com)
(his original post and my response to it is on that page)
Now, I promised I’d reply when he did.
And true to form, back came a whiny response.
Nice to see an “(inspirational!) author and motivational speaker” throwing around the word retarded. I didn’t say anything about school online being as good or better than school in person, though that is a conversation we could have. I’m merely pointing out that schools are not closed, and teachers are working damn hard. But of course, you’re right: picking sizes on a computer screen without being able to try the clothes on is just as easy as being in the shop. How foolish I feel now.
Not to mention another one of those easily offended “Miss Mamma Mia” types (it’s a he, yes).
Now first off, the word “retarded”.
If something is retarded, well, I’m sorry (not really, heh) but thats what it is – retarded with a capital R.
If anyone either directly or indirectly equates schools not opening (they should – and this damn panic needs to STOP) with “Amazon functioning online”, then they’re an idiot, and if thats demotivating, so be it.
I’d rather not motivate lily livered poltroons or those that can’t handle the TRUTH.
But then comes his real grip which I kinda wish he would have STATED UP FRONT rather than letting us all “guess” … (because in that case I would have simply scrolled past his post).
I’m merely pointing out that schools are not closed, and teachers are working damn hard.
Probably Indonesia’s version of the New Year going on, and this genius never got paid, or his salary was delayed, or something, and /or he’s dead broke and doesnt want to say it because “inspiration” means you keep your head in the clouds and feet never on the ground, and so on and so forth …
And so, he’s griping about someone saying “he’s not working hard”.
Fair enough.
Except I wish he’d have SAID it upfront, doncha think.
Would have saved me the trouble of posting in the first place and him of replying.
As for the last bit where he tries to be sarcastic, well …
He tried.
LOL. I’ll give him that. Didnt quite work tho ..
But anyway, I’m mentioning this here because…
As Trump famously once said, you’re measured by RESULTS at the end of the day.
No-one cares about how hard you worked, or how people said you never worked, or how people said you work out – or you don’t.
Your RESULTS (at the “fag” end of the day) are what count.
And if there is one thing I heavily promote in all my books and courses its the RESULTS and the “feeling” you get via those results that YOU will get if you do what I say because guess what, once all the smoke’s cleared, the dust’s settled, the marketing’s done and dusted … the RESULTS are what real customers are gonna be looking for.
Real customers who know when a product is good and are willing to spend good money for something that’s WORTH IT.
Real customers that get a product and then instantly IMPLEMENT what they can in in, and read, and re-ad products until the books literally become “a part of them”.
(I’m sure there are more than a few of that type reading this!)
Real customers that don’t complain – find a way to get her done – take responsibility – and most of all, and again – DO the thing as opposed to find reasons to WHINE.
And those are my type of customers, my type of people that I like to connect with and SELL to.
And I suppose that was the entire point of me saying this.
That, and, well, the bit about RESULTS.
Anyway, remember the 0 Excuses Fitness System was what literally got me down from “balloon” status (120 kgs) to around sixty or so within a couple of months.
Not bad going, I’d say, and YOU too can get the same results.
And more results mentioned right HERE – if there is ONE principle Advanced Hill Traning is based upon it’s results ,my friend.
And lots of them!
Grab NOW.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – I never did reply to that dude after his hissy about “teachers are working hard”. I WILL say this from personal observation and experience – a lot are NOT. There are some good and conscientious ones that try to do the best they can – both male and female – and my hats off to these fine folks – but by and large, the quality of education, which was going down the commode anyway has DETEROIATED – big time !
Just though I’d mention that here …
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