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At the outset I’m not really selling you the dream, hehe.
But I am, in a way, except it’s true.
Anyway, another short one from me, except yours truly’s “short ones” are something the Bozo would be interested in, so I usually turn them into 500 word plus long ones.
Talk about banging out that many at a stretch.
Ahem. I better not.
Bozo Schofield is listening, both to “long” and “banging” …
But anyway, here is the thing.
This afternoon, I just burst into laughter.
My daughter burst into laughter too right beside me.
And we (she too!) laughed, it was like “distance” and “time” matters not.
She just laughed, without knowing why!
I just did so too!
I had to laugh, and so should YOU …
But anyway, laughs aside, something came to mind.
A certain comment by a certain person years ago to my wife that said “we know all about this scoundrel!”
Rascal, I believe.
Something like that. This person I believe said it in a language I am not quite familiar with, and he used a word I don’t quite understand till now, but thats the gist.
This rascal sneaks up in the dark, and …
Sales, girls, whatever. Hehe.
But anyway, that was the gist.
This person had “plans for me”. but apparently they never came to fruition.
They hardly ever do with yours truly whose always a LEAP AHEAD of the rest of the PACK.
The leaders lead, the followers follow, ’tis just that simple.
But, it brings me to my central point.
I spoke about someone “blocking” me for using the word “retard”.
So they said.
But whoever planted this idea in your mind – our collective minds – MY mind growing up that making money was meant to be a SLOG – an uphill slog through the dust and GRIME – that you have “to sweat for hours” before turning a coin – was – well – a retard x 1000.
Or, they had been schooled in the same thing themselves.
Probably the latter x 100000000.
And probably a bit of retard too, or both.
True, you dont get from Zero to HERO status over night.
When you talk of making money “easily” – thats the image that pops into mind.
So curiously enough, yours truly “selu till the end” is saying that isn’t necessarily true and usually isn’t.
BUt making money should be FUN.
And done right, it CAN BE.
And before I sign off, remember one thing …
That bank will take your deposit just as easily my friend if you’re sitting at home and making it – as it would if you slogged for hours “under the blazing sun” as it were “picking cotton” (I know, but I’m just giving you an example) or strawberries or what not …
Or simply getting the heck bored out of you at the office, which happened a LOT TO ME.
And that, my friend is the key to all this.
One of ’em.
Learn more here.
And – I’m out!
Short one for a change, hehe.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Fitness wise, leap ahead HERE.
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