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If you can believe that, you’ll believe anything, Burden!
So said the stocky well set “gorilla like” dude (all of 5 feet tall, but that MOTHA was STRONGGGG!) in one of “James Hadley Chase” novels I so love.
I believe the name was “Believe that, you’ll believe anything!” (the name of the book)
(and I LOVE all his books, especially the “Helga Rolfe” series, hehe. That one about the nympho!)
Anyway, THIS book was about a nutjob who “married or otherwise fell in love with the wrong woman” who did little else around the house other than complain “her feet hurt after standing all day at the salon where she worked” … and a woman who was beautiful on the outside, but an idiot on the inside, while slinky “Val” was the exact opposite.
Perhaps not as beautiful, but that mind, oh that MIND!
Hence what I say on another site about the mind being everything, the mind being all, and I’m going to write that after I finish THIS.
These two businesses are complementary, hehe.
But anyway …
This (what I’m saying) is something you should believe.
Napoleon Hill wrote about this in Think and Grow Rich, and it is only NOW, a THOUSAND OR MORE readings later – that I fully understand what he meant.
Perhaps great marketing minds do too – but they take an equal amount of time too.
Some things can’t be rushed.
Same things with my books.
You just cannot read them once and put them away.
It could be Animal Kingdom Workouts – BRUTAL training – that will truly turn YOU in “superhuman” status.
It could be 0 Excuses “Rolls Royce” Fitness.
It could be Zero to HERO! or Gumption Galore! or Fitness CENTRAL.
My books are such that you pick up something NEW EVEN AFTER a thousand times of reading it. Believe me, I read them myself and pick up new tips daily from them!
But anyway, Hill spoke about giving people what they NEED to make money, even during times of depression.
Which is nigh contrary to all the marketing advice given and RIGHTLY SO about giving them what they want.
After all buying is an emotional decision at the end of the day.
But it ain’t about that bro. I mean, it is.
But yours truly gives you what you NEED, first off and foremost.
I could make money selling gym stuff. I’ve had offers to sell ab rollers and stuff (and curiously enough the ab roller is not a bad thing to use!).
I’ve had people contact me about putting their own fitness articles – and even articles on how to make MONEY – and invest etc – on THIS site.
I could probably do what Charles Mitchell said i.e. “make things easier and then make more“.
But guess what, bro.
As he said, that ain’t me.
As I say, it ain’t me.
And as I say, thats not what you need.
TOUGH love is what you NEED, my friend, most people do in terms of life and fitness.
Enough of the political correctness and incessant, endless, PATHETIC molly coddling.
If youre fat, your FAT.
If you can’t do pull-ups because you’re “El Tubbo”, then so be it. Your choice to be so, but you can’t say “youre a big guy so you can’t do ’em”.
Tons of REAL big guys do hundreds of them per workout, first thing you know!
yes, I said that the “wrong way around”. Hehe.
But really.
What most people need is a kick up the ass to do MORE – not LESS.
And that bro is truly the bottom line, and what I bring to you.
Get started right HERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – The BARNSTORMER SHOULDERS! compilation is a must have, and it will build qualities sorely lacking in most modern day men – one being to look “old man life” in the eye and tell him to SOD OFF! Learn more here.
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