Why yours truly was called a “selu”

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Bacccck in the day, in that job, yours truly’s colleague called him that.

“Tum to usko bech doge!” he said.

We were discussing something other than actual IT (website) sales I was doing at that point, but what he said (translated into English was) “you’ll sell it to him no matter what!”

True to form, I believe I did.

And remember, this comment coming from a person that had advised the boss NOT to hire me (advice which the boss disregared, hehe).

He (my colleague) was looking at the “here and now”.

A company that had just gotten off the floor, was making nil money, had NO employees (well, two, and I was the third).

Sales head, operation head, and a “general de facto” sort of guy (who was the one that gave the opinion in terms of “not hiring him now”).

Anyway, the sales figures I did for the company and how I literally took the company from Zero – HERO! (literally, those were the words the next guy that hired me at a far higher salary used) has been well detailed in emails here, and on the page!

But the point was, he was referring to my sales abilities (along with OTHER abilities) which were readily apparent a few days after joining.

“We thought it would take you at least a few weeks to settle in”, they said.

Instead, there I was, bringing in MONEY to the company on day #4 of joining, which coincidentally I believe was the 4th January, my birthday …

Hey, I went out for a dinner.

And I got back at night.

And I called the client up, and next morning – bingo! First sale!

And that was to set the tone for my drunken late night calls to guys who some (still, years later) regard me as a friend and I could call ’em up anytime I wanted.

And therein, my friend, lies ONE secret to successful sales.

Anyway, the “selling part”.

You sold it to me, Rahul! No-one else could …

And they couldn’t! These guys were literally having PRE-SOLD clients coming in that they couldn’t close …

(and they couldn’t pre-sell the ones that were coming to them via leads etc through their site).

Anyway, tip #2 right there, and there are plenty more in the book.

(that comment was made by a client that was probably – actually – he WAS – the toughest of them there, and I cracked that “nut” as easily as saying “Hello!”

That deal had been going on for MONTHS with various companies, but he decided when he got my email(s)!

Must be something to me, eh. Hehe.)

But really, point being the “being called a selu part”

Colleague said it in a pseudo-admiring sort of manner.

And a lot say it in a “oh, thats just sales! Sales is rubbish!” manner.

We often criticize that we don’t have, but WANT, my friend.

EVERYONE wants the ability to sell (truth be told, we all have it, but precious few really know how to use the POWER that lies within YOU!).


And whether you believe me or not, every transacation in life is a sale of sorts.

You sell either yourself – or wares – or products – or fitness books, hehe – but whatever you do, you’re selling in some way, shape or form.

When you met the girl of your dreams, and you wanted to marry her, guess what. You SOLD yourself to her (unless it was an arranged marriage as in India, but then your PARENTS, or whoever arranged it sold themselves to the other party – their thoughts – beliefs – and of course discussions on your MUNNEEE, hehe).

When you talk to someone, make a new friend, you’re selling yourself.

Politically – your selling yourself.

I often wondered at that job (not too much) just how the successes kept PILING Up – one on top of the other.

True, there were more reasons than one.

But look at what Trump does my friend – and I realized this years later.

He sells himself either consciously or not in EVERY statement he makes.

Analyze this, and you’ll see its true.

And consciously or not, openly or not, I’ve been doing that all my life too – and I do it rather well apparently …

How dare I, they go.

“He makes easy money!”

Well, first off, even if this were to be true – SO what?

No-one said making money had to be a drag myf riend.

The bank aint gonna ask you how many phone calls you made, how many people you pestered up and down, the tears you cry about “life being too hard” and”I’m trying!!!” and so forth …


And you could get those results on a platter, or … well, by slogging in the fields or what not.

Your call.

But results count! And the bank won’t care how you GOT that money.

Second, this idiotic notion of easy money has been sold by many throughout history, and will continue to be.

But I dont sell this sort of notion.

Because it’s not true.

People see the ability to bat out emails and have money coming in.

Do they see the years of work, subconscious planning, inspiration, the HARD work it took to create the products, websites, promotions, marketing, heartbreaks, more heartbreaks, scores of people saying and still saying “I was a fool”, and so forth?

I dont think so my friend.

I think I’ve earned the right to self promote.

I’ve been doing it all my life anyway, hehe.

But anyway … the one thing I will NOT do is promote stuff that doesnt work or isnt the best.

“Rahul Mookerjee’s knowledge of physical culture is beyond parallel”.

I’m parphrasing from memory, but there is a reason, a very valid one, that I put that note on the main page as well …

Anyway, thats it from me – for now.

I’ll be back soon.

For now, feast (and buy) yerself on what is truly the PURRING Rolls Royce of FITNESS! 


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember to pick up Advanced Hill Training as well while you’re at it. Truly another one of those “complimentary” and “must grab” courses.

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