More on thinking clearly, and why I rarely engage in “conversation” (unless its with people that GET IT)
- My great, great customers all do - and I'm UBER GRATEFUL to all of you!

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Yes, my friend.

I could retitle this “why I love livin in my CAVE”.

And I wouldn’t be wrong – and anyway, I believe I spoke about that too in an email prior to this.

But anyway, most “conversation” as it is today is utterly WORTHLESS – unless it’s to you great, great guys on this here list that GET IT – and for that alone, I’m uber grateful!

John once told me “I’m super grateful for all you do fitness wise” – well – this is me saying I’m super grateful for yall “getting it”!

Anyway, another awesome guy and great customer – and a man that has DONE the thing his entire life once wrote back to me with the following comment (we were discussing the sham of an election – the 2020 one- in the US).

You have the ability to think very clearly! 

There was more, of course, but this comment bears relevance.

Actually, in my opinion, we all can.

Precious few DO.

Case in point being a convo I had with a dear and great friend of mine.

We were discussing the same thing.

We are BOTH HUGE Donald Trump supporters, me possibly more than him in many ways.

And he wanted Trump re-elected.

So did I.

But it didnt happen – for good or bad – and whether or not the elections were a sham – well – I believe they WERE this time around and the Dems did some major league “paying off” – but – without proof, and the Trumpinator’s team failed miserably there – well -nothing doing my friend.

My friend kept telling me otherwise.

“He’s a sitting President, and has a lot of power!” 

“The Courts will overturn it!” 

“If the lower courts don’t, the SC will definitely do it!” 

And I kept telling him the reasons why none of this would happen until and unless PROOF was provided.

None was.

“Dude, barring a miracle, much as I hate to say it, he won’t be President after Jan 20”, is what I told him.

Believe me, it cut deep to say those words.

There is no bigger fan of the Trumpinator in many ways than yours truly!

But you gotta put up or shut up.

NO-ONE is above the law in a democracy, and the USA has always been, should be, and WILL in my opinion always remain a democracy above ALL.

Simple fact of life.

I explained this via various audio notes.

I even typed out a lengthy text on the smartphone, which you know how hard THAT is to do and how much I hate typing on those!

To the former he said it was too much to listen to, and the latter, “too much to read”.

I gave up after that.

After Jan 20, we haven’t discussed that topic again …

But really, two things.

How do you discuss something if everything explained logically is “too much”?

And I remember telling him, my gut says Trump is planning something else for his future, and that he’s the best damn President ever, and he TRIED HIS BEST – and thats what COUNTS at the end of the day. 

Nothing doing, of course, and yet, oddly enough that is precisely what happened.

And as for the idiots who think banning his social media accounts will cause his “supporters” to turn face – or forget – um. They’re just idiots.

Banning anything doesn’t cause that to happen.

Speakeasies anyone??

And banning Trump’s Twitter will be GOOD for him in the long run. His enemies handed it to him on  a silver platter, and he knows it too, hehe.

Good ole Donald – I miss him! 

I miss seeing those manic tweets – and believe me, I dont follow anyone at all on Shitter or “Shacked-In” or what not – he was the only one!

(other than Mike Pompeo who I also greatly admire).

Now, what does any of this have to do with YOU?

I dont know, but my green tea tastes especially good, I’ll tell you that, so I’m talking to YOU!

But lesson from this is THIS – – save your energy for where it matters.

And succeed !

Back to fitness – be sure and pick up the purring Rolls Royce HERE – and the “Feline Fitness” course HERE.

come to think of it, THAT is what I was going to say – that this ability to think clearly I believe has been ENHANCED if nothing else by the sort of training I do on a regular damn basis.

If you ever needed a better reason to get on handstands NOW, this is it.

I’ll be back!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember, the shoulder courses are available in compilation format now too. I feel and GET motivated every time I read that page. Even if you aren’t interested in buying it – check out the page and READ it! I love it!

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