When you feel loose, AWESOME things happen!
- I wish I could explain it here. I cant, but Io'll try!

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Boy oh boy!

I knew today was goin to be a great, great day the minute I woke up!

And the last time I had this feeling was on Dec, 2, 2019.

As I type this my hands are shaking.

I remember a certain Tracy.

Who I don’t know from Adam (Eve!).

But at the “moment” I got online Googling something totally different, there she was, radiant as ever!

Blue eyes an OCEAN unto themselves!

And while I won’t mention her last name (hell, I don’t know this lady!) (she’s an older lady but thats all the picture tells me) – I’ll tell you “in private” if you so want, though I can’t imagine why you would, but I’ll tell ya, btu anyway …

So I was working out.

Suddenly, my HACKLES ROSE.

The hair stood up on my arms.


The phone started ringing.

Most of all, the cupboard CREAKED.

I can’t and I wish I could but I can’t explain how the spirit TALKETH to us, but I felt that Uncle of mine who has passed away in the same room, his EYES ON ME!

I Ain’t shitting ya!

I Wish I could tell you that “this is about money”.

But no, my friend it ain’t either about that or my goals – its about something far bigger!

And part of the key to vibrating like this, though not all – and getting what you WANT TO COME TO TO you naturally?

Is to be loose and limber.

Literally, as I stretch my thighs, I can FEEL myself in them!

Go here, and learn how.


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Go here, too!

PS #2 – Her name is Tracy, that is all I’l reveal for now, hehe.

PPS – Over the last few days, a guitar yours truly has in his room is turning “on” every time I walk in. No explanation!

I just heard from my daughter the SAME thing is happening to her.

Time and space are indeed ONE! Like and great minds vibrate ALIKE!

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