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There is one common LEG (and whole body) workout that Heismann trophy WINNERS – WRASSLERS – martial artists (especially!) – and dancers (with some of the strongest, by far, legs around) do.
Can you imagine what that is, myf riend?
If you said the squat, you’d be right.
And the squat is a workout you can do your whole life, and should do, and will make great gains.
(and thats IF you do it right).
But what am I talking about now – well it ain’t the squat.
It’s an exercise mentioned in Animal Kingdom Workouts, an exercise most diss as being- yes – you got it – too easy.
Especially those that can squat 500 lbs in the Jim Shim, but can’t even GET into the position mentioned.
There is a REASON – a very valid one – former martial artists, cops, grapplers (to name a few) LOVE my courses, and especially Animal Kingdom Workouts.
Anyway, the leg exercise I’m talkin about is the duck waddle.
Simply getting into position will kill the average man within a few seconds flat.
Don’t even talk about the “flatulence”, hehe. Believe me, it’s a real thing!
And don’t be surprised if you need to go to “el throne” a minute or so after this one.
The duck waddle done right will give you the zinger workout of your life – and you’d be hard pressed, even you hardcore dudes, to do more than FIVE minutes, or even THREE minutes at a stretch.
Believe me now …
And this is but the beginning.
I could add a plyometric to this which WILL be in the book on plyometrics that makes this exercise about 10 times as demanding, and burns FAT.
An exercise that burns just as effectively as what I mentioned in the PREMIER fat burner of them all – Advanced Hill TRAINING!
Real man training!
And just as quick, to be honest.
I could add an isometric to it which I have not – repeat – NOT added in the book on isometrics.
For good reason.
A lot of you advanced folks won’t be able to WALK if you do what I did just now …
Really. Trust me. Those isometrics I give you are MORE than plenty for now – even if you’re a seasoned bodyweight guy.
And that, my friend is truly that.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – These workouts are another great way to channel that RAGE – or annoyance – or FRUSTRATION. hehe. Writing. Working out. Be creative. Get her done!
(and if the wife / SO tells you it’ll give you a heart attack, tell her “its just bodyweight”. Believe me, she won’t pester you on it anymore, hehe).
(if she says you got too many books on it, best way is to …well, as WISE men do. Dodge, and stay calm and just do it anyway, hehe).
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