Paws like PLIERS
- And why YOU should have 'em!

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In Gorilla Grip, and Gorilla Grip (Advanced) – and indeed the “tips” book – I give you an exercise combo in various shapes, forms and means that will literally build wrists like HAMMERS and fingers like IRON CLAWS.

Or, paws like pliers, if I might say so …

That KONG LIKE crushing grip we all want.

This morning, I did some of those workouts – and I added in ISOMETRICS to it.

Now, what is this exercise combo you might ask.

Well, I’ll tell you – for free.

Fingertip pushups is part of it, and pull-ups are part of it. 

If you think simply “doing ’em” is the key – great. Do ’em, and build that grip, but thats not the REAL KEY To it (but yes, if you’re on here for the free advice, thats some great advice “for free” anyway – honestly).

But the REAL x 100 key?


A course that the doers love, and the bozos diss as being “too easy”.

And if I told you what I did today – and why I almost put in Isometric and Flexibility Training, I’d get much the same response.

So I’m not … That, and I didnt put it in the book – why?

Because most people would be doing good to get past some of the elementary isometrics in that book, my friend.

Trust me on this one.

And what I did now is so super advanced that most people would probably fracture a thumb or so like I did in 2018 if you even TRIED it.

My own thumb of course “reset” itself. Hehe.

I was back to doing fingertip pushups the next day, but not everyone is so extreme or well trained as I am.

Anyway, that would also have brought the exercise count to about 59 or so, but again, trust me.

I dont want you to HURT and injure youself. Maybe I’ll put it in advanced isometrics if I ever do write that book.

There is a growing list of books I need to finish!

(And yet, I watch idiotic shark movies like I did last night, hehe)

But anyway (we all need that R & R, hehe) – – like Charles Mitchell said about Pushup Central.

well, part of it what he said.

“Some of those fingertip pushups are almost UNDOABLE!”

(I’m paraphrasing. The exact quote is on the page).

And he’s right.

If I add isometrics to it, well – then the idiots and morons will complain “it’s too hard”.

Now they complain “it’s too easy”.

can’t win for losing.

On that note, the idiots at the Jim Shim that rant about why “I treat grip strength to be as important as breathing, almost” …well, first off, no.

Breathing is the most important, but grip comes a close second.

I mean, I can’t for the life of me figure out why anyone wouldn’t want a strong grip.

except the lazy asses who don’t want to work at it and are content to fool themselves that deadlifts are all that is required to build grip.

Let me ask you something, how many times do you lift something off the ground in real life or in COMBAT as in a deadlift, especially with that idiotic grip?

LEt me ask you, if you’re about to twist the Bozo into a pretezel, what do you need first and foremost?

Let me ask you, if you’re a grapper or Ji Jitsu guy, what do you need the most to GRAB your opponent?

Let me ask you, if you’re a BOXER – how do you TRANSFER that CORE POWER into a solid punch with weak wrists?

Let me ask you – if you’re the average “strongman” or Ironman – how do you do any of that with a weak grip?

Let me ask you – how do you get to be a pull-up master or mistress with a weak grip?

And let me ask you one final thing.

you’ve (those that have) been pumping “weight shate” for ages in the gym, but it ain’t translated into any real world improvement at pull-ups, has it?

You’re still not able to hang on to the bar without breaking either it or your own forearms …

And those, my friend, are uncomfortable facts EVERYONE (well, those that dont get it) need to hear.

Last, even if any of the above isn’t something you might be interested in?

Well, check out John Walker’s review on the book (from the United Kingdom) –

Excellent book on a very important subject.

Hand/Grip training is vital just for survival let alone sports.

If you take the time to develop a strong grip you’ll automatically get stronger all through your entire body, the reason for this is simple, you have more brain signals to your hands than any other part of your body.

Buy this book, train your grip and everything else will become easier, excellent book, thank you.

And that, my friend really is THAT.

Back soon!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember that CORE and grip training go together. One isn’t optimal without the other. And get all the core workouts (along with grip) in mini workouts mentioned in the “jaguar fitness like” course – right HERE. Truly one of those “head shaking” courses!!

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