Too much of anything can make you (WILL MAKE YOU) … FAT!
- YUS.

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Well, I keep getting the question.

“I know it’s not good to eat too much fat, but what about protein? Surely that won’t make me fat?”

Or a derivative thereof.

My answer is always the same.

First, eating “fat” is NOT bad for you – despite what “sh-experts” say. More on that later (so long as it’s “real fat”).

And second, too much of anything – fat included – and PROTEIN included – makes you FAT.

(Same thing for the whiskey and beer analogy – it’s alcohol – period. NO, you cannot get away with “it’s just hard liqor”. It will pile on the cals regardless. True, beer does add more to the moobs, but thats just due to the hops etc – otherwise, it’s all calories and alcohol)

(Imbibe if you must. Sure! I do it. Just do so in moderation …)

Most people, and the great Brooks Kubik covered this in one of his books I believe, eat “more” protein – way more than they need.

Trust me, you dont need near as much as you think if you’re most people.

And most people aren’t Arthur Saxon lifting hard and heavy for 8-9 hours daily! (and then doing strong man shows etc).

Too much of protein, just like anything else will pile on as excess – usually around the ole midsection and butt.

And the rest, well …

Most people eat too much and dont work it off.

For example, yesterday turned out to be an unplanned cheat day for me in that I had two chocolate cakes (slices of them).

Last I did this was in April 2019 I believe, when Marc the african Silverback Gorilla bought some … again, unplanned on my part.

I dont calorie count, obsess about my weight, do skin caliper tests, BMI tripe, and all that.

Nope. Nothing doing.

I dont care – when you’re on good jaguar like fitness programs you dont need to!!

I just dont eat sugary crap in general even though I like the “taste” because I feel like CRUD later. Beer being a notable exception. HA!

And the last I overdosed on protein was Dec 31, 2020.

And in BOTH cases – including yesterday – I worked out harder.

Yesterday I was pretty much cranking out pull-ups all day just to “burn off the cake”.

Sylvester Stallone aka Barney Ross of the Expendables franchise (I love it!) once said that he treats his body like a car.

If it’s gotta do a lot, he fuels it “a lot”.

If not, he keeps food intake to a minimum.

(Sly, and I wrote about this before by the way is a great example of how naturally small guys can look HUGE. And no, secret ain’t building the chest either).

You’d be surprised to know a lot of those 6 packs you see are built at the dining table, not the gym ..

Sly for one when he in his prime – followed one of the most unhealthiest routines ever when his body literally cannibalized itself!

I wasn’t ever quite that extreme, but workout wise – yes – I was! Those loooooong workouts for one, and I ate very little.

But you can’t do that all your life my friend – and I didnt.

And if you like at Sly now – and Sly back in his “Cobra” days – you’ll know what I mean.

Anyway, good news – you don’t need to follow any crazy weight loss programs or watch calories etc (ugh, how I hate that annoying stuff) when you’re on a good fitness program, but I believe I said that above …

I call it the Rolls Royce of fitness for a reason.

And to finish this off, and it’s interesting – I thought about this before lopping off after that awful movie a few hours ago.

Last week, yours truly dreamed.

(nothing unusual of course).

He was on a speedboat or something. Paddleboat.

“The waters at least clean”, I remember remarking in the dream.

“Now it’s deep!”

And it was! As I proceeded into “deeper water” flanked by whatever reason by “buildings on either side” it was BLUE and DEEP.

Suddenly – bang! I heard the clang noise in my dream. Looked behind, and saw a shark fin following me.

Then, tons of sharks – and their TEETH were the ones most visible. 

I fell of the boat.

One shark came close to me, and again, that massive gaping mouth and the teeth. 

He almost got me.

For some odd reason, the mouth never closed although it was right next to me.

I woke up. Went back to sleep. Had more “colorful and vivid dreams”.

When I woke up I figured it was a good luck dream, and it was in many ways. Shark teeth for one …

And good luck or not, oddly enough, in that awful movie I saw last night – the SAME visuals showed up!

Indeed prophetic, eh are our dreams?

The mind is truly a wonderful thing my friend, and thats why I carp on visualization so much .

Anyway, enough of this. To get the Rolls Royce of Fitness and the 5 “purring” cat like videos that go along with it – go here.

And I’ll see you!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Remember to pick up Animal Kingdom Workouts – a course that isn’t noticed a lot, but is possibly one of my best ever – while you’re AT IT!

Join the ranks of the SUPERHUMANS the title on the page says, and it’s right!!

PPS – Get “Sly like forearms” with the tips and tricks in Gorilla Grip (TIPS!) – and also the two books on GRIP training. 

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