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Because, my friend, thats the only way to do it.
I mentioned what a former Samurai said about this i.e. training until “his last breath”, I believe were his words.
But really, he’s right, and that encapsulates MY own training methods too, my friend.
When it comes right down to it, when you go MANO-O-MANO with the next person, it ain’t how much you can bench that gives you raw, primal, ANIMAL LIKE confidence that just OOZES.
Yes, I know women can scream, shout, yell and get away with bloody murder.
When enabled, they do on a daily basis. ‘Tis normal female nature my friend (along with monkey branching etc).
But the point is, end of the day, there is usually a cuck male sometimes ENABLING all of this either directly or indirectly.
And when you LOOK THAT MALE in the eye – who is either a BULLY “par excellence” – or a cuck – guess what.
Like them drooping wallflowers or daisies that run out of water.
Real men strike when the other person CAN do something about it – and THEN test their strength.
Cucks and bullies often strike the WEAK – in fact, that is who they usually strike – either physically or not.
When confronted with someone that fights back, they WILT and lose.
I’ve seen it all my life, my friend. And if there is one thing I hate more than Nazi feminism, it’s the cuckold males that ENABLE it all … and you KNOW what I mean!
Real men listen to ALL viewpoints equally.
They dont just go “my wife said it or my girlfriend said it, or she’s a woman and she said it so she’s right”.
That, my friend is a cop out of the highest and grandest order.
And when it comes right down to it – you gotta protect yourself.
I’ve often been asked why I dont take the Bozo’s threats against me, and he’s made many seriously.
Well, for one, he’s a pansy.
And two, even if he wasn’t – I could care less my friend.
He claimed “he’d show up with Charles and a few others” (poor Charles, LOL) and … well, you get the drift.
Of course, this Bozo doesn’t know that I’m waiting for him.
Unshackled, raw, primal and brutal.
And all the Jim Shim and weightlifting in the world – and believe me, my lard ass in the past done did plenty of both wouldn’t give me that unshakeable confidence I have NOW to take the Bozo and turn him into a little piece of PUTTY right there for the world to see …
Anyway, point of this diatribe being?
You know it.
Train hard.
Because you never know, and the way the world is going, you DO know – someday, your life might just depend upon it.
And if it does, youll be mighty glad you listened to me NOW.
Thank me later, hehe. Nothing if not the most humble person I am in that regard.
Out for now!
Back soon.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Learn how to build that kung fu like “ape like” grip right HERE.
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