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I wrote about bullies in a post prior to this, I believe.
Or one of the emails, I dont know.
And panises are a close equivalent to that in that they do it too – when they can get away with it- much like “el bully”.
I just read that Tesla is at it again.
Kow towing to the Chinese Commies, apologizing for a staff member that blamed the Chinese national power grid for something (a Chinese person no less, I believe) – and he was RIGHT – while at the same time threatening and bitching up a storm about just about everything in the US
Including the China plague induced shutdowns and when the Socialist Republic of California deemed that all factories etc be closed.
And many other things.
don’t get me wrong. I dont support lockdowns, and never ever HAVE.
Never will.
But Elon Musk seems to be bitching up a storm about EVERYTHING in the US.
I wonder what he’d do if China mandated another national lockdown?
Would he complain?
I bet NOT.
Hypocrite with a capital H.
And thats yet another reason I love Amazon.
What they do in the US, they do mostly in China and elsewhere too.
Jeff Bezos doesn’t kow tow to anyone except the customer, and hence he’s the richest man in the world – it’s that simple.
Even the Trumpinator stayed away from him. Hehe. He took him on, but couldn’t best him.
Because Bezos is a man that DOES the thing, and has DONE it.
Despite his somewhat liberal leaning tendencies, although I dont know – the Washington Post could be a cover – there are few men I admire more in this world than Bezos, and few companies I admire more despite their faults (and hey – we ALL have ’em!!)
Same thing for the wackos in China that (the expats – a lot of them) that bitch up a storm about how the Plague from China was “mishandled in their countries”.
Charles, the friend once made a comment about “I hope THEY have a good plan”.
He was referring to the US.
It’s funny, Charles, that you call “us” “they”?
But anyway, this sort of thing is just hypocritical, considering the country that SPREAD this damn thing – created it – covered it up – and covered up their OWN deaths – and much more – is hardly ever blamed by these wack jobs.
“Everything China does is golden” according to these morons.
And listen up, friend.
I ain’t saying “put yourself out on a limb” or “destroy the goose that lays the golden eggs” (which really, anyone with half a brain knows it does NOT) – or more and most pertinently, “speak out against what you know to be WRONG when you’ll be censored and worse for it”.
Be smart.
But speaking out in FAVOR of what you ultimately KNOW is WRONG – that, my friend, is hypocrisy and COWARDICE of the highest and grandest order, and what I cannot stand.
I realize some people will look at this differently, and thats fine.
The “friend” I referred to above once told me “You’ve always been anti China”.
And I’ve spent more time there than five others combined …
Anyway, enough on this – but yours truly has always been BRUTALLY HONEST no matter WHERE HE HAS BEEN!
And always WILL BE, and thats the bottom line.
To get brutally honest fitness instruction that flat out works – go HERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Build “brute like” shoulders like with the course HERE.
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