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I’ve written about the “3 Idiots” before galore, havent I?
Not one of my favorite Aamir Khan flicks to be quite honest, but it hit the spot for millions in India. It even made it to the PRC where folks loved it, and thats something.
Mucho respect to the man himself – AK – and I do NOT mean Akshay Kumar, hehe, though he’s another stalwart – but he seems a completely opposite person NOW – and I m ean big time from when I admired him back in the early 90’s hehe.
He was uber macho. Hairy chested. Fit and STRONG – martial arts expert .Didnt look like he had ever stepped foot in a gym, and looked every bit the movie star he was.
(If you’re wondering whose hairstyle 13 year old Rahul tried to ape, it was his (back in the day, hehe)).
Much like yours truly out there in China …
But now?
The guy is the utter opposite.
Seems to be kow towing to any and all politicians he can for whatever vested gains, I don’t know – not to mention he seems to have become, for whatever reason one of those “shaved chest men” Jim Shim addicts.
If there is one thing I cannot stand, it is men shaving their chests.
I mean, if men naturally have no hair, all good.
But those that “artificially” shave their chests, arms, what not to get the “look” – the puff and buff look?
I hate it.
(Unless you’re long haired Andre Agassi back in the day who did it to get more aerodynamic! Hehe. I loved Agassi back then …..)
To each his own, of course …
But anyway, where was I?
Ah, the 3 idiots.
While I mentioned in another email I can count the number of friends I CHOOSE to have – true friends – on less than a finger, or a couple, the number of morons, trolls, bozos and idiots is inversely proportional (like I said).
Curiously enough, Bozo Schofield isn’t by far the “only one” out there.
I only mention him here because he made it uber personal, and so he deserved an “attack back x 100000” which he got.
And I only mention him (reason number two) is because I did more to help this idiot than anyone else probably did from a mental standpoint.
Like pissing down the commode …
Anyway, I’ve got plenty of idiots in my life.
I could say “The Three Bozos” .
Or five.
Actually, perhaps more like 20. And perhaps bazillions more waiting to jump out at me through the woodwork, hehe. Some day.
Anyway … point of all this being, you might ask?
It is this.
Take Schofield for one.
What he did pissed me off big time, was like acid in my VEINS, made my blood BOIL, and so forth.
At the time I did nothing.
I “thought “I could do nothing at the time, although I could well have.
Same thing for others that have betrayed me in any shape, way or form – or those I helped and that turned around and stabbed me in the back – lets face it eh. It hurts.
And you may want to destroy them.
Feel angry.
“I’m gonna BLAST THEM!!!!”
And so forth …
And these feelings are valid, bro.
But that old thing about cutting deep to the bone, and finding out WHAT they hate about it.
YOUR (well, in my case) FREEDOM AND SUCCESS (at living life like YOU CHOOSE) are what they care about!!
And what they’re pissed about.
And to succeed, my friend you not only need tunnel vision and blinders, but you need to ARM yourself with the KNOWLEDGE and fact that YOUR success will be what “hurts” them the most ultimately.
In The Magic of Believing, the INCOMPARABLE Claude Bristol spoke about how one should not use mind power towards evil ends or “to hurt others”.
Else, as he said, it will BOOMERANG and destroy you.
He was dead on right.
But remember one thing, if you’re goal is success for YOU – and keeping th eothers OUT of your life – and letting them go on their merry troll way, then there ain’t nothing wrong with that, bro.
Bristol would approve, I’ll tell you that!!
And that success, my friend, will be like ever lasting battery acid in their veins.
And that, both fitness wise and lifewise is what you should be aiming at.
Anyway, and again …
I’ve been having vivid dreams last night – again.
Lots of – well – hairy legs for one. Hehe.
Or, a PAIR of hairy legs that were being “rubbed” if you get my drift.
Maybe thats too cryptic.
And golden KEYS too.
Literally. I remember seeing the key in my dreams …
And what I’m going to tell you is this – is that while these emails are insanely motivational and inspirational and WILL put you FIRMLY on the road towards success at anything, I’m just getting started.
But trust me, I’m just getting started.
And in my members only “ship“, there is MORE I will REVEAL – ONLY for those that are members.
More such emails – only for YOU!
Truly just for the DOERS in life, my friend.
Check it out now – and sign up now.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Yes, you DO owe it to yourself to check out the link at the very least. Sure, maybe you WILL Sign up, maybe you wont. But I gotta do my bit and tell you, hehe.
PPS – Trust me, the GOLDEN KEY can be YOURS TOO – if you just unlock the DOOR behind which the “riches” BE hiding!
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