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… Thats something few people, if any do.
We hear it all the time, don’t we? Especially from the so called gurus who keep complaining about “not being too attached to the outcome”.
Yet, these wack jobs don’t tell you HOW not to be too attached to the outcome!
My book on this tells you – before even the first chapter …
There is a reason I call it Zero to Hero!
But anyway, here is an example.
Keep the below words in mind first – or phrases – “it bothers me”, “it’s NOT FAIR!!!!!!” and …. “OK, whatever. I truly don’t care”.
The last, my friend, might sound almost impossible to do when some thing is bothering you.
When you truly do care about a goal.
Oddly enough, and this is another gem I learned from a book I recently read by Matt Furey no less (YES, even though I’ve been spoken of as having bested Furey in certain regards, he’s better than ME in many others! – not to mention he as a bonafide cauliflower eared COLLEGE level wrassler could pick me up at the age of 55 and probably toss me outta the window, hehe) . . .
It was this – REMOVE whatever annoyances you have in your life NOW.
Now, whats the point of me saying this you might ask.
For years, I’ve been saying “cut out what you don’t want – and what you WILL – or WANT – takes its place”.
Yes. Right.
So what makes THIS different.
I dont know, bro …
I FELT something upon reading his words, and I realized something.
Which I know. But haven’t shared with you as yet. So here goes!
When I lived with my wife – one of the key areas of disagreement was “how much money the other person spent”.
The fact was she usually doesn’t spend in proportion to what she SHOULD – in my opinion.
The fact in her opinion is – Rahul needs to spend, spend, spend, and …well, you get my drift.
The usual man -woman thing!
Mix in a heady dose of Nazi or bubbling feminism, and youg et the drift.
Not something yours truly deals too well with.
But sometimes, you gotta back off – lose the battle – win the war – as I’ve always done.
Though I got pissed – real pissed at many of the things she did – eventually I told myself this.
“You’ve made the decision to leave her (that was made a long time ago). So who cares what she does money wise?”
Note I didnt say “I wouldn’t do my bit money wise, or give her money, or what not”.
Nope. That thought didnt cross my mind.
But after months of arguing over it, I came to the realization that it’s unfair, but FOR NOW – it is what it is.
It literally stopped even bothering me at that point, and now, when I think about what she does NOW – my mind says to me “so what”!
That, my friend is the key to SUCCCESS TOO!
You do what you can – focus on what you can and should – and then you take ACTION.
But you do not – I repeat – get too attached to the “results”.
You stay neutral. And you remember the BIG moments in your life – and you move towards your goals -which no-one, I repeat, no-one can stop you from achieving in ANY sphere of your life if you so consciously set and choose.
I repeat.
The subconscious minds knows NO limits – either in terms of positivity or negativity.
It works with what it’s given – told to – and doesn’t “think”.
You give it positive thoughts, and guess what will germinate in that there garden …
Fitness wise?
If you’re puttin in the hard yards, and not yet seeing results – well – if you’re doing all of the above then you will.
Want another example?
For YEARS – I struggled to get to STUD level at pull-ups and made LOTS OF mistakes.
When I finally got there, BINGO.
It never went away.
ditto for my general fitness levels. I haven’t sprinted all out in months, but ask me to do one now and I’ll happily do it!
And won’t tweak hamstrings etc eitther!
Sprints, or emails on them were how I met Charles Mitchell (after he got my books). What a man that is – a true DOER!
Anyway, now, good news is you don’t have to make those same mistakes. Thats why I wrote the BOOKS on it.
thats there, yes.
But still, think about it.
Do you think I’d be where I am NOW – lets just talk pull-ups if I had given up and not had faith that ultimately results would show, and keep showing up?
If I had got too attached to the eventual outcome which believe me, at the age of 36, even I could not have ever IMAGINED from being a beached whale years ago – would it have happened?
I seriously, seriously doubt it.
Anyway, I’ll leave y’all to ruminate on that one. Back soon!
Oh, and remember – take action – NOW. It ain’t gonna work if you put it off “till tomorrow” or “when I have the dough” or some such thing. Life truly does wait for NO-ONE, bro!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Fitness wise, many of you are wondering where to start. Go HERE.
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