The law of circulation, and how that applies to YOU
- in EVERY sphere of life

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That which you “circulate” comes back to you – manifold.

Could be feelings you either consciously or unconsciously radiate – which come back at YOU manifold.

Could be thoughts of negativity – or positivity. Ever notice that some days you just wake up, and are RARING to go – no matter what?

Most people fail to notice what they did the day BEFORE that – and the night before that got them in such a peak emotional state and caused their day to just FLOW . . .

But this isn’t about visualization, or something like that.

It’s about the Law of Circulation, and something a lot of you are thinking about – MONEY.

And it’s to tell you that what you circulate – for a good cause – something you know is REQUIRED for you – or you really want – comes BACK to you – manifold, and with blessings.

Sure, you might think that is a not so indirect way of telling you to “buy” a product.

Or I should say invest in.

Maybe it is, but the thought wasn’t on my mind when I wrote this to be frank.

My thoughts were this – EVERY time I’ve been in a tight spot – or “money has been tight” – or “been in a hole” – what has pulled me out is FAITH.

If I had to invest in my biz, and money was so tight I had NOTHING left over – guess what I did.

I invested in the biz.

You gotta show the Universe where your priorities lie, and believe me, temporary “hassle” or hardship is FAR preferable (to me at least) to the latter alternative ie. pissing the cash away on something not really important (think a ton of idiotic clothes, or what not) – something that doesnt really do much to multiply the “come back to me” effect – and something that doesn’t advance they very business that “gives” me – and continues to!

This might sound strange, or just “words on a computer screen” and “not reality” but believe me, I know more about real life in that regard than most others!

That isn’t meant to sound condescending or anything, but there is a reason that I mention this on the Gumption Galore! page.

And this isn’t to weep about how tough my life was, is, or future problems, or what not (which I don’t anticipate by the way in any regard) – it’s to tell YOU – that if money is tight – but a bill’s gotta be paid – a purchase HAS to be made – then you just do it!

You may or may not choose to adopt the ‘ole Benjamin’ method I think I emailed you about …

But either way you do it, just do what you’ve really WANTED to – in a way that benefits others – and YOU.

Fitness products?

Not only are you circulating money – but you’re also helping yourself. Your health and fitness always comes first my friend.

And as for me, when I make ANY sort of business investment – I do vet it – but once done – guess what.

That is #1 on the list of things to do – NO MATTER WHAT!

I could care less if I was falling off the planet and needing a banknote to “save me” or whatever.

If the investment needs to be made, then that is what I will DO.

And this faith, my friend – every time I’ve done so – the money I’ve invested has very mysteriously or maybe “not” come BACK to me – and MORE of it has.

Does that sound familiar to you?

Can you relate – is there a time in YOUR life where you perhaps bought a fitness product without having “much left in the bank” (for instance) – or anything, really – that you wanted – and it came BACK to you?

Write back – let me know!


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – Be sure and check out the Rolls Royce of Fitness as well while you’re at it – this investment is truly a “lifetime deal” as it were. You’ll see what I mean when you follow along with me on the workout VIDEOS!

(Oh, and they’re all dumbphone friendly – created specifically for that purpose)

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