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A bit of a temperental one this one, but NOT from me. Hehe.
This was from a gentleman on the list who sent me a looooong message – well, why don’t I just paste the relevant parts of it here.
UNSUBCRIBING! I thought about it before and enough enough now. Always sell, sell in every mail of yours!
Now, I dont know where he’s from.
Obviously English isn’t his forte, or first language, but there was MORE to his email.
Oddly enough, he was named Ben.
And I see another “Ben”(jammin’) winking at me and JAMMING as I write this.
Well, two actually. Both in my mind’s eye.
Anyway riddles aside, lets get to the meat of his rubbish email which (part of which) is posted above.
And many people think like that, so in that regard it’s good he’s sent me this communique, this “scrollworthy” mail (as he says) of his …
Or hers.
Jackass or jill ass, I dont know – from the tone of her email!
But anyway … to all the freebie seekers and idiots who complain either about things being too expensive, or “my stuff should be cheaper” or “why don’t I put it out for free” or “why don’t I just tell you” or any other assorted ROT that these people have in their minds, let me ask YOU (I’m talking to those people here, not “everyone”) the following.
Where do you think the money comes to sit here and DO this?
Where do you think the free email tips come from?
(way more than what you signed up for)
Where do you think websites sit? Not on your ass, thats for sure …
How do you think and where do you think a lot of these products are created, and is MONEY required for those?
How many years do you think some of my products took to create?
Last, but not least – we live in a world of abundance, so just WHY should I price my products low?
They’re worth every penny as many people have said, but even if they weren’t worth MORE than what you pay for (which they ARE) – why would I consciously choose to LIMIT myself?
I dont get it, bro …
Or sis, though the name is obviously male!
Anyway (and now I’m back speaking to everyone) I dont know where these people get their crazy ideas from.
I mean, I see NO reason why I Shouldn’t help those that WANT to BE helped. (by pitching products that will solve THEIR PROBLEMS).
Do you?
I dont think so, hehe.
So, bye bye to said Bozo who still hasn’t unsubscribed even after her hissy …
And the rest of you – well – you’re more than welcome to go HERE!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Read what people have had to say about my products (well, one of them) HERE.
PS #2 – By the way, I recently INCREASED the price of Animal Kingdom Workouts, possibly the best course I’ve ever put out. Jump on it NOW before it goes UP again.
(and be sure to read the benefits, especially towards the end in terms of going “up” and yes, it’s true). Hehe.
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