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Picture this my friend – or lets talk about it. Which are one and the same thing!
Lots of people start out with great and genuine intentions to achieve a goal.
Something that consciously matters to them, and a lot of these people do great initially.
Yet, as time goes by, MOST of these people don’t accomplish the goal – and if we’re talking business or money, the percentage goes DOWN – even more so than fitness or certain other goals.
If we’re talking BIG money – even more so. Probably one out of a hundred people does actually get to that big money goal eventually …
(I dont have stats for this, but I’m pretty sure I’m right).
But when these people cannot accomplish what they set out to, in the vast majority of cases, they don’t think of looking – INSIDE.
Instead the natural human tendency to be negative and blame it all on the outside environment, the world, annoying spouses, and “too many responsibilities” and so forth comes to the fore.
They spew this out regularly, either to themselves or other.
Pretty soon they’re back not at square zero, but less than that.
If this sounds familiar to you, my friend – rest assured you’re not alone.
The key doesn’t so much lie in what you do – it’s HOW you do it.
The first H there!
But the most important H is to be HAPPY.
In the here and now.
If you’re not happy NOW, then you will NOT achieve lasting success in ANY sphere. This I can guarantee and SIGN my name to!
(and no, money doesn’t necessarily mean happiness)
(and yes, money is DAMN important!)
(and no, the two above statements are NOT contradictory).
Now, a lot of you might ask if you’re at beached whale status or if you just lost your job – or if the bank balance isn’t where you want it to be – “how can I be happy now?”
And some may curse me. Some may say “he thinks he’s so great! He’s got it all, of course he’s happy!”
Well first off no, I don’t “have it all”.
Second, I was probably born with and dealt with 10 x handicaps the averge person reading this has in many ways (not that I ain’t glad for those, but I’m stating a FACT).
And as for how?
You go into memory banks.
You pull out an experience you really enjoyed – that you were successful at. Something that MEANT something to you!
You fill your entire being – every fiber – with the energy of THIS accomplishment – positive energy – and you THEN visualize your new goal!
Understand something now, my friend.
We become what we PICTURE with DEEP emotion.
Repeat that – DEEP EMOTION. Not empty words.
Pictures help, but the FEELING is what counts!
Your life can be thought of – really – as a set of “motion pictures”. Or “events” which you can CHOOSE which one shows up in your life, much like a movie Director can.
And in that sense, here is the key.
You’ve already pictured it – you’ve arrived spiritually.
So you’re happy when you break out of the reverie – and then GO For your goal.
Which if you’re doing the above right, you’ll move towards at the speed of WARP.
Might sound airy fairy or stupendeous, but it’s anything BUT. It’s how the Universe functions, and is as scientific as the law of gravity!
Like attracts like.
If you’re radiating HAPPINESS and good thoughts, then that is what you’lle ventually get.
If it’s the opposite, then THAT is what you’ll get.
It’s not about conscious thought, though that starts the process.
It’s about feeling – deep down inside – from the SUBCONSCIOUS standpoint, which really controls all my friend.
You are what you “think” deep down inside, and if conscious doesn’t match subconscious, the latter wins each and every time.
This is a truism Dr Maltz explains in Pyscho Cybernetics with the example of the rubber band snapping back to it’s original position eventually . . .
(that book is a must read – not once – but at least a 100 times if not more!)
And I’ve myself experienced this very same thing for years.
Is it EASY to reverse?
Yes – but like anything else, you need practice at it.
So don’t fret if you don’t see changes right away – for those of you that will actually listen to me, that is, and not dismiss this as airy fairy hocus pocus.
Anyway, the other “H” is more apparent.
The greatest wealth.
Without great health, you CANNOT be vibrating well at a deep spiritual level my friend.
Sure, you may think “it’s just excess fat”.
But like good things multiple – problems – COMPOUND.
And then the feelings – either positive – or negative.
Remember that while the MIND controls all, it is EQUALLY important to keep the physical body firing on all cylinders until the day you pass on.
Remember these two things, and you can’t put a foot wrong!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Get started fitness wise right here. (and again, don’t ask me “why” – thats just what I’m asking you to do, so DO it before arguing or doubting. As Panourgias said – if he’s saying do something – and you want results – then just GET the damned product, and DO the damn thing!)
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