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It is this, my friend.
And should be posed to jackasses, jillasses, and nutwads of the category above who spout all sorts of retarded “woe betide me” advice and “how dare you do this” and talk about “this is how life is and this is how you’re supposed to teach how to do pull-ups” and so forth …
It’s this.
“What, my bozo friend, have YOU done in YOUR life?”
“Where are your million dollars!”
“I dont have a goal (so I’d say) to make that”.
“What have you done”, they’ll then very artfully (so they think) turn around the question on you when they are the ones bringing their UNWANTED So called CRAP WISDOM to you.
Again, the person that claims “I say I just do pull-ups” when he himself doesn’t have a prayer of even starting to do so … if he’s reading, listen up.
(but it ain’t for him alone. It’s also for the morons that claim “my books are too expensive and not worth it” when they haven’t read the books and – how many books did they write or read? Zero and negative x100. HA!).
Unless they got the blueflame $0.99 special deal on Amazon.
And even then they skimmed through it once and then put it on the backburner.
My friend, the question isn’t what “I did”.
It’s what have YOU DONE.
YOU are the one coming to ME (I’m talking to the idiots here who come not just to me, but spout nonsensical “the earth will fall if you dont do this” advice to people in general and impressionable young kids too – this includes the jackasses masquerading as so called teachers in China and in many other places in the world, and many parents, and so forth …) with your nonsense.
I ain’t.
So the question is for YOU i.e. what have YOU done.
Most of the time you’ll see that these idiots and morons have done precisely …NOTHING in their own lives.
If they had, they wouldn’t be spouting off and running their mouths because they’d know that a) you can’t force that horse to drink and b) it will only drink if you CONVINCE it to, not otherwise.
But even if yours truly hadn’t done anything and I have – what about you, I reply.
Pointless to do so, of course.
As John, a customer of mine once said “its a waste of time replying to these morons. I wouldn’t even bother”.
Tru dat.
Thats why I do all can to repel them and remove them from my lists etc.
Closing advice – learn from someone’s thats the best at what they do.
Someone that is a true Master or Mistress of the game (whichever one they’re “playing”).
One that knows when to keep his or her mouth firmly shut because they’ve learnt from the school of hard knocks. …
And so forth.
And now that I’ve said that, if anyone comes up to you and says “pushups are useless! Weights are where it’s at!”
Or “you need to teach me how to do pull-ups THIS way!”
Or moron English students (so called students) who can’t speak the language themselves but think tossing a few wads on the table will solve the problem for them …
Or the idiots that claim “it’s just bodyweight“.
You KNOW now how to piss ’em off and infuriate them.
And beyond a point, well, whacking them … nah. They’d run for the hills at the mere mention, hehe.
Back soon!
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – Get into ANIMAL LIKE shape where you can truly BACK YOUR JAZZ Up with the exercises and routines outlined HERE. YEEEEEE HHAAAAAAA!
Ps #2 – A wise man once said the following “Never take sex advice from an eunuch or advice on how to grow hair from a bald man”. Point to ponder, eh!
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