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The Farnese Hercules makes for an imposing picture, doesn’t he?
But he’s no less or more imposing than a lot of other men of that era, my friend.
Not so long ago we had an era where REAL men would prowl the streets – and “live” as the flabby messes out there TODAY do.
Not so long ago we had an era without chrome and fern and idiotic boobybuilding machines at the gym (there was no concept of the gym as we know it, even!).
And not so long ago, we had REAL strength trainees – and REAL MEN – strong men – that knew how to train RIGHT – and how to build the sort of strength, size and power that most Arnold wannabe’s would die for TODAY.
What do I mean – well, the fact is they trained right.
They were warriors – like Hercules was.
They EXERCISED daily, and made movement a part of their daily LIFE – like Hercules.
They didnt believe in being overly concerned about diet, but they ate healthy (check out the Greek diet – one of the healthiest ever even today).
And they didnt piss and moan about body fat contents, pumping the peak of the biceps and so forth.
They didnt act like Bozo Schofield does and goggle at the picture of the Farnese’s backside rather than appreciate the picture being there for the reason it is (and believe me, Schofield ain’t the only gaper, goggler, and boggler out there).
They understood that to get REAL VALUE – you train BIG.
You either train BIG, or you go HOME.
And why just the Hercules?
The closest I can think of to Hercules, and indeed a modern day “battletank Hercules” is Canadian strongman and Olympic champ Doug Hepburn.
One look at those shoulders tells you ALL, doesn’t it?
Now, here’s the kicker to all of this.
WHAT did these men do – KNOW – that modern day trainees do not – and if they read or learn about it – they “pooh pooh” it (while secretly WANTING to do it)?
If you’d think pull-ups, you’d be right, but that ain’t it by a long shot.
The real secret, bro, is something else altogether.
It’s UPSIDE down training – done right.
The old timers knew the value of doing this!
Doug Hepburn.
He’d do handstand pushups on dipping bars at a bodyweight of 300 plus pounds.
Hed do handstand pushups all day long on a tree log on the beach – freestanding – while working as a lifeguard out there.
Bert Asserati, English champ wrassler, and a massively built man would do these on one hand.
The list, friend, is legion and second to none.
Now if you’re one of the “gang” that hears of these things and says “So what! They’re just mountains of muscle anyway!” – you’d be not just wrong.
You’d be an idiot and moron to discount what these men did and convince yourself that “I can’t do it”.
If you’re a smartie though, you’ll do what smart people do.
You’ll learn.
You’ll invest what it takes to learn.
From the best, my friend.
The bodyweight exercise guru – yours truly (I don’t think there is any argument there, is there??) brings you the very best, my friend.
And the most SAVAGE ways to train that get you the best results.
Move over, pumpers, preeners and POSERS.
And make room for the real men training REAL MAN style.
Get your roll on HERE.
Rahul Mookerjee
PS – We’re “out of commission on email” for a couple of days, but I’ll get it going soon – it’s “one of those things”. However – remember THIS – we’re very much in business and don’t plan on being out of commission on that front anytime soon! Check out the LIMITED special we have going on right NOW (this won’t last though, so jump while you can – more details when you click “checkout”).
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