Are your OBLIQUES the last to lose fat?
- And the man boobs ...

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Lots of people have this erroneous thinking of “fat will go from where it accumulates the first – and most”.

In terms of the first and most, it’s usually belly and ass for most men – followed by MAN BOOBS And a saggy chin.

And the turkey neck, bingo wings etc follow.

In that order.

Look at Bozo Schofield, a person whose picture I’ve posted in the 0 Excuses SHIP – and you’ll know the truism of “lardass” and what a real lardass – so unfit that even moving from the barstool to the “throne” is a chore for him … and he ain’t the only one.

Modern day man is an utter JOKE and a mess as I’ve rightly pointed out in Animal Kingdom Workouts – the price just went up on that, by the way – so you know when I say something I damn well mean it.

Anyway, I wrote about Indian wrestlers a while ago no?

And if there is one area where these wrasslers in general can improve – though it is by no means a shortcoming – it is fat around the midsection.

Both Indian wrestlers and SUMO wrestlers the latter FAR more so than the former carry more weight in general around the midsection than they should – the former usually has the fat around the obliques, while the latter – well – you know.

Curiously enough, neither one of them suffer from heart diseases or any of the ailments the “six pack”Bozos in the gym do.

But later on in life, my friend, it gets HARD to lose that weight – real hard – and that is where – along with the calorie heavy diets these athletes follow the problems start to occur.

The strain on the heart as well over the years.

If there is one martial art other than wrassling that takes care of this – it is “martial arts” as we know it (yes, wrestling is a martial art too!) – such as karate, taekwondo, Judo etc.

Show me a guy or gal practising these at a certain level, and I’ll show someone with verily LITTLE or NO fat around the midsection and overall.

Anyway, obliques and man boobs have always been the last to go for me, my friend, and I’m betting you are the same.

That “love handle” – or those, I should say, never do go away, do they?

Well, despite my overall weight dropping like stones (when I was doing the 120 – 60 thing) … my obliques didnt go away until I learned two things.

One, what I reveal in the opening section of the Simple and Effective Diet.

And two, that certain exercises “twist and torque” are KEY.

No, just twisting and torquing won’t do it – DEEP BREATHING along with it will.

TWO exercises in Corrugated Core in the elementary section, for one.

The “twist and torque” pushup I’ve seen nobody else teach – that I do in Pushup Central – do ’em in high reps – oh – MY.

The special jump rope variations I teach in Jump Rope Mania! (the jogging style, again, NO, there is no-one out there teaching these as I do).

(You can Google, sure, but you ain’t gonna find what I teach you, thats for sure – not for “free” at any rate).

And the KING of these all, an upside down movement you wouldn’t even think works the sides (no, not handstands) I teach you in Advanced Hill Training – so advanced that I PROMISE even you ADVANCED guys won’t be able to do it on any sort of slope for more then a few SECONDS.

I can pretty much guarantee this, my friend.

And hence the price on the course – because it is exclusive, members only as it were.

Come join the exclusive club if you so choose – but remember – the “six pack” which they all rave about isn’t worth a damn without real health and strength to back it up.

Back soon


Rahul Mookerjee

PS – If you’re smart, you’ll invest in Animal Kingdom Workouts now. If not, well, no skin off my nose, but really, I’m not going to be tolerating lookie lous and price wankers any more than I already have. I’ve been most damn gracious with my time, energy and efforts and “politer than thou”, but that stops NOW. Don’t believe me? Well, you’ll see. The proof IS in the pudding.

(In other words – if you want it – come get it. It’s that simple).

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